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Essential Concepts in Toxicology: Compendium for Pharmacy, Medical, Forensic and Veterinary Toxicology
Author(s) :P K Gupta

ISBN : 9789383635986
Name : Essential Concepts in Toxicology: Compendium for Pharmacy, Medical, Forensic and Veterinary Toxicology
Price : Currency 550.00
Author/s : P K Gupta
Type : Text Book
Pages : 388
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Essential Concepts in Toxicology: Compendium for Pharmacy, Medical, Forensic and Veterinary Toxicology is the first complete text material for offering courses specially for pharmacy, medical, forensic, veterinary and related area in toxicology bringing together all aspects of toxicology required to thoroughly prepare BSc, MSc, MBBS, BVSc, Forensic specialists and Veterinary students and will also serve as reference  to research workers in the field of toxicology.

            It provides most cutting-edge text on a wide range of toxins and poisoning in human beings, farm and pet animals, as well as avian, aquatic, and exotic species. The book provides an easy to follow format that is designed to help students easily understand the information presented.

Key Features

This book offers many novel topics, including

  • Concise description of chronological events of historical aspects
  • Exclusive coverage of basic and fundamental principles of toxicology
  • Description of various toxicokinetics and PBTK models
  • Details of regulatory issues and laws
  • In-depth coverage of target organs, including development and reproductive toxicity
  • Toxicity of metals, plant and animal toxins, and other xenobiotics
  • In vitro methods Gene mutations and their implications
  • In vivo test systems and safety evaluation of pharmaceuticals
  • In depth coverage of testing protocols of medical devices and bioengineered products
  • Toxicity of commonly used and abused drugs
  • Details of industrial and environmental chemicals
  • Useful information on toxicity of bacterial and venomous organisms
  • Pesticides / agrochemicals and their poisoning
  • Description of laboratory based diagnostic and analytical toxicology
  • Detailed coverage of preventive and therapeutic interventions
  • New concepts including Principles of Good Laboratory Practices and Standard Operating Procedures


Unit-I: 1. Introduction and Historical Background 2. Definitions and Scope of Toxicology 3. Classification of Poisons/Toxicants 4. Factors Affecting Toxicity 5. Natural Laws Concerning Toxicology 6. Hazard and Risk Assessment Unit-II: 7. Absorption, Distribution and Excretion of Toxicants 8. Biotransformation 9. Principles and Basic Concepts of Toxicokinetics Unit-III: 10. Toxicological Testing: Genesis 11. Toxicological Testing: In vivo Systems 12. Toxicological Testing: in vitro Models 13. Genotoxicity 14. Preclinical Toxicological Investigations of Pharmaceutical Products 15. Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology-Derived Products 16. Preclinical Regulatory Toxicology for Biomaterials and Medical Devices Unit-IV: 17. Toxic Effects of Pesticides (Agrochemicals) 18. Toxic Effects of Metals 19. Toxic Effects of Non-Metalics 20. Neurotoxic Agents 21. Toxic Effects of Cardiac Poisons 22. Toxic Effects of Asphyxiants 23. Toxic Effects of Caustics (Corrosives) 24. Drug Toxicity, Dependence and Abuse 25. Toxic Effects of Domestic Chemicals 26. Toxic Effects of Poisonous Plants 27. Food Poisoning and Poisonous Foods 28. Poisons of Animal Origin 29. Chemical Food Poisoning 30. Health Effects of Radioactive Materials Unit-V: 31. Basic Concepts of Forensic Toxicology 32. Applications in Toxicology 33. Clinical Toxicology 34. Treatment of Poisoning

About the Author

Dr Gupta is an internationally known toxicologist with more than 45 years of experience in the field of teaching and research. He has guided many post-graduate students for their thesis work in toxicology and was honored with several National and International Awards including best teachers, best researcher, Alarsin, Lifetime achievements, and IUTOX-Astra Zeneca Award (USA). To his credit he has several books, book chapters (Elsevier, Academic Press, John Wiley) as well as scientific research publications (540) published in National and International peer reviewed Journals of repute. His contribution in the publication of Indian Veterinary Pharmacopeia is highly praise worthy. He is the founder Editor-in-Chief of a peer reviewed scientific journal “Toxicology International”, and Book Review Editor, Marcel Dekker, USA; Expert member Consultant and Advisor to WHO, Geneva; Consultant United Nations FAO, Rome; IAEA, Vienna; Founder Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare; Founder and Past President, Society of Toxicology of India; Adjunct Professor, SRMS; founder director  and member nominating committee of International Union of Toxicology; founder President of  Society of Toxicology of India, and has held several prominent positions of scientific organizations in India and abroad.

                In addition to this Dr Gupta has also been biographer in several WHO's WHO from all over the world including Marquis WHOs WHO (USA), IBC (UK) and other leading publications of the World.

                At present Dr Gupta is Editor-in-Chief of peer reviewed PUBMED indexed scientific Journal “Toxicology International, Patron and Founder President of the Society of Toxicology of India, and President of the Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare.
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