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Post-Harvest Management of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
Author(s) :R. Srihari Babu

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ISBN : 9788178003092
Name : Post-Harvest Management of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
Price : Currency 4495.00
Author/s : R. Srihari Babu
Type : Text Book
Pages : 769
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The book consists of 14 chapters. The first chapter  Introduction  introduces the crop and briefs the contents of different chapters. The second chapter deals with various post-harvest handling aspects of mango, grading and transportation. The third chapter deals with the storage of fresh fruits, in which various methods of storage-traditional, low temperature storage, controlled atmosphere, modified atmosphere storage etc are discussed. The fourth chapter presents the need for ripening of fruits, different methods of ripening, changes occurring during ripening, regulation of ripening etc., The fifth chapter furnishes the various ways of preservation and processing of both green, unripe and ripe fruits. The sixth chapter deals the mango varieties suitable for processing of different products. The seventh chapter explains the microbiological spoilage of processed products and ways to avoid the spoilage. This is followed by different methods of storage of processed products in eighth chapter. Producing quality products is very essential and is demanded by the present day consumer. Quality control is done through quality standards and several acts by the Government, which are dealt in chapter nine. Mango fruits even after harvest are invaded by fungi and bacteria, causing diseases and rots. The causes of rots, their epidemiology, and management are elaborated in 10th chapter. In the chapter 11 various post harvest physiological disorders of mango fruits are presented with causes and control. The post harvest losses of mango fruits at different levels and their economic importance along with ways to avoid losses are discussed in chapter 12. Mango industry generates lot of waste material in the kitchen as well as at processing units etc., whose efficient utilization helps in minimizing the pollution hazards, provides very useful and valuable bye-products, brings down the cost of processing, with the possibility of providing additional employment and income. All these are discussed in chapter 13. Marketing of fresh mango fruits, market channels, role of intermediaries, evils of present marketing system, betterment of marketing system etc., are discussed in the last chapter 14.

Key assets of the book

The book is unique in the sense that it presents all the information of post-harvest management mango fruits, which is not available at one place hitherto. The book high lights the need for proper post harvest handling of fruits, the method of regulation of ripening, and storage, methods of preservation and processing, microbial spoilage of processed products, post-harvest diseases and disorders, highlights the quantum of post harvest losses and utilization of mango waste material and finally the need to establish an organized and sound marketing system for mango.


1. Introduction 2. Post-Harvest Handling 3. Storage of Fresh Fruits 4. Fruit Ripening 5. Preservation and Processing 6. Varietal Suitability for Processing of Mango 7. Microbiology of Processed Products 8. Storage of Processed Products 9. Quality Control of Processed Products 10. Post-Harvest Diseases 11. Post-Harvest Physiological Disorders of Mango Fruits 12. Post-Harvest Losses 13. Utilization of Mango Waste Material 14. Marketing of Mango Fruits and its Products
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