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Groundwater Systems Analysis of Indian Coastal Deltas: Resource Potentials, Quality Trends, Saline-Fresh Water Interrelationships and Management Strategies
Author(s) :Indugula Radhakrishna

ISBN : 9788178002934
Name : Groundwater Systems Analysis of Indian Coastal Deltas: Resource Potentials, Quality Trends, Saline-Fresh Water Interrelationships and Management Strategies
Price : Currency 6995.00
Author/s : Indugula Radhakrishna
Type : Text Book
Pages : 608
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The coastal delta systems are the prominent land forms and vibrant eco systems rich in water resources and biodiversities, play a vital role in the growth and development of agriculture, irrigation, drinking water and industrial needs and provide good base for multitude of rural and urban population.  About 50% of the water requirements for the above sectors are being met from the ground water resources. The stability of ground water resources and their environmental protection are therefore of prime concern for sustainable and economic development.  The fresh ground water systems in the coastal deltas and the inter delta regions over the last three or four decades have been subjected to large scale stresses in the form of ground water withdrawals beyond their optimum limits to meet ever increasing demands in the agriculture and irrigation sectors.  As a consequence there are large scale depletion of water levels and reductions in fresh water storage potentials, causing saline water ingression inland, thereby causing a dent in the agriculture production and economic growth of the country.  This situation is being further threatened by global warming processes and tsunamic impacts. It is therefore felt necessary that an integrated and holistic approach is required who adopted to protect these important fresh water resources free from the onslaughts of anthropogenic and natural hazards.  The book on “Ground Water Systems Analysis of Indian Coastal Deltas” provides an integrated and holistic approach towards understanding, assessment and management of these fresh ground water resources in different delta complexes of India. 

Some of the key features of this book are:

· Geomorphic and tectonic evolution of coastal deltas.

· Soil water balance studies and recharge-run off estimations.

· Assessment of fresh water resource potentials in different delta systems.

· Ground water quality trends and analysis.

· Saline-Fresh water inter relationships and estimation of interface structures for different delta systems.

· Management and optimization strategies.


1. Introduction to Water Resources 2. Geomorphology, Evolution and Structure of Coastal Delta Basins 3. Hydrological Characteristics and Soil Water Balances of Coastal Deltas 4. Assessment of Fresh Groundwater Resources in the Coastal Delta Systems 5. Groundwater Quality Characteristics and Trend Analysis in Coastal Delta Complexes 6. Saline Fresh Water Interrelationships, Estimations of Interface Structures and Management Mitigation Strategies

About the Author

Dr. Indugula Radhakrishna obtained his M.Sc (1963) and Ph.D (1978) from the Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He has over forty five years of professional and R&D expertise in the field of ground water resources covering all hydrogeological environments of India with special focus on Coastal Hydrogeology.

He is a fellow of the Indian Geophysical Union and formerly Member, International Association of Hydrogeologists and Indian Association of Geohydrologists.  He had also officiated as Member in several technical committees; Technical Advisory Committee  DANIDA Project for Coastal Ground Water Systems, Orissa 1988-90; Committee on source finding in Rajasthan under fifth submission of Technology Mission; 1987-90; working group for Shore Development Authority (Govt. of AP) 1987-89 and Technical Advisory Panel of Environment, Science and Technology (Govt. of AP) 1986-89.  He was also resource person for DANIDA and UNESCO Training Courses and Expert member and adviser for selection of Geologists and Hydrogeologists, Union Public Service Commission (1999-2000).  He was  former Editor of Indian Geohydrology Journal.

Dr. Radhakrishna visited Germany (Hannover) in 1979 as a Senior DAAD Fellow.  He also attended several UNESCO Conferences in Nepal, Thailand and Germany and presented papers related to coastal ground water systems of India.  He has authored over fifty Research Papers published in various National and International Journals related to ground water resource assessments, saline/fresh water interface dynamics & management aspects and over Twenty Technical Reports dealing with water resources and pore pressure studies (1975-2001).  He is also the Founder President “Society for Integrated Technologies for Ground Water Resource Systems Development” (SITGRSD).
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