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Pharmaceutical Facilities: Design, Layouts and Validation
Author(s) :Manohar A. Potdar

ISBN : 9788178003283
Name : Pharmaceutical Facilities: Design, Layouts and Validation
Price : Currency 1295.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Manohar A. Potdar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 276
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

Designing, erection and commissioning of a pharmaceutical plant is a long drawn process. It needs basic understanding of pharmaceutical formulations and their logical and sequential processing. This whole process is tedious, time consuming and should have proper guidance in this regard. The book will provide such guidance which is a long felt need by the industry.

Salient Features:

· Pharmaceutical design aspects with sample layouts for all major formulations are discussed

· All aspects related to project management, regulatory requirements, validation of facilities, HVAC and water system are discussed

· A real handy book for all those who are involved in plant design, project management and facility and utilities validation in Pharmaceutical industry.


PART-I: 1. Regulatory Requirements for Pharmaceutical Plants 2. Project Management 3. Pharmaceutical Validation PART-II: 4. Pharmaceutical Facilities Design 5. Support Services Department 6. Support Services for Plants

About the Author

Manohar A. Potdar, M.Pharm, Ph.D. USA (Production Management) is a Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, India. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Pharmaceutical Technology, Plant design and Operation and Quality Assurance Techniques. He is a Guide for many research students in the field of Pharmaceutical Validation, Quality Assurance,  Plant Design etc.

                He has more than 35 years of industrial experience gained from Indian and Multinational Companies like Hoechst, Boehringer–Knoll, Burroughs Wellcome, Ranbaxy, Lupin, Wockhardt, Plethico, Cadila and Alkem. He has handled various responsibilities in the area of Q.C. / Q.A. Production, Project Management besides executing International Regulatory Audits of W.H.O., T.G.A., M.H.R.A., M.C.C., and U.S.F.D.A. With his postgraduate diploma in training and Development from I.S.T.D. (India) background, he has actively participated in various industrial training programs. He is very much sought after consultant in Pharmaceutical Industry.
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