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Engineering for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables: Cold Storage | Controlled Atmosphere Storage | Modified Atmosphere Storage
Author(s) :Chandra Gopala Rao

ISBN : 9788178003269
Name : Engineering for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables: Cold Storage | Controlled Atmosphere Storage | Modified Atmosphere Storage
Price : Currency 3250.00
Author/s : Chandra Gopala Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 887
Year of Publication : 2014
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The deterioration and consequently the shelf life of fruits and vegetables starts from the time they are harvested from the plant. The rate of the deteriorative reactions is dependent on intrinsic (compositional) and extrinsic (environmental) factors around the fruits and vegetables. The intrinsic factors are influenced by the cultivation, soil parameters and the practices adopted in their growing in open field or under protected cultivation. Among the extrinsic factors, the most important are temperature, relative humidity, composition of atmosphere, light intensity, water activity etc. The extrinsic factors can be controlled by providing controlled conditions in transportation and subsequent storage in cold storage.

                This book consists of four major parts. First part deals with post harvest physiology pre-cooling fruits and vegetables, handling and storage and various precooling methods of fruits and vegetables. Second part deals with fundamentals of air conditioning processes, load calculation, design of air conditioning equipment for cold storages including spray pond and fans. The transportation of fruits and vegetables and instrumentation and control systems for cold storage. Third part deals with Controlled Atmosphere Storages (CAS). Unsteady state mass balances for equilibrium conditions in CAS, equipment for generation of different gas regiemes and design of CAS structures. Fourth part deals with Modified atmospheric Packaging (MAP), MAP packaging materials, deteriorative reactions  reaction kinetic and shelf life of packaged foods.

                This book brings all the important aspects of cold storages and controlled atmosphere storages including that of MAP of fruits and vegetables in the form of a single text book which will be use full for  the students of B.Tech (Horticultural Engineering) and B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering) who study a full length of course of cold storages and also helpful in designing supply and cold chain logistics.

Salient Features

· Most of the chapters are provided with solved numerical examples.

· Useful to the B.Tech and M.Tech students of Food engineering, Horticultural engineering, Agricultural engineering and to Mechanical engineering.

· Helpful in designing supply and cold chain logistics.


Part I- Pre Cooling of Fruits and Vegetables and their Storage Requirement: 1. Introduction 2. Post Harvest Physiology of Fruits and Vegetables 3. Estimation of Cooling Times of Foods 4. Pre-cooling of Fruits and Vegetables by Ventilation Method 5. Forced-Air Cooling of Fruits and Vegetables 6. Hydro Cooling of Fruits, Vegetables and Cut Flowers 7. Evaporative Cooling Systems for Fruits and Vegetables 8. Vacuum Cooling of Fruits and Vegetables 9. Handling and Storage of Common Fruits 10. Handling and Cold Storage of Vegetables Part II- Cold Storage:  11. Moist Air and Applied Psychrometry 12. Preliminaries for the Estimation of Cooling Loads 13. Air Conditioning Systems and Estimation of Cooling Load 14. Evaporators 15. Refrigerant Compressors 16. Condensers 17. Expansion Devices 18. Spray Ponds and Cooling Towers 19. Fans 20. Transmission and Distribution Systems of Cool Air 21. Heat and Water Vapour  Transport in the Cold Storage 22. Thermal and Vapour Insulation Materials 23. Design of Small Capacity Cold Storages 24. Dimensions–Layout–Stacking Methods for Cold Storage 25. Transportation of Fruits – Vegetables and Flowers 26. Instrumentation and Climate Management in Cold Storages Part III- Controlled Atmosphere for Storage (CAS) Horticulture Produce: 27. Operation, Maintenance and Energy Conservation in Cold Storages 28. Introductory Information of Controlled Atmosphere Storages 29. Biochemical Considerations of Controlled Atmosphere Storage 30. Gas Exchange Mechanisms in Controlled Atmosphere Storage 31. Mass Balance Principles Applied to CA Chamber 32. Gas Generators for Controlled Atmosphere Storage 33. Equipment for Producing and Regulating Controlled Atmosphere 34. Design, Construction and Operation of Controlled Atmosphere Storage Chambers Part IV- Modified Atmosphere Storage: 35. An Overview of Modified Atmosphere Storage 36. MAP Technology 37. Gases and Vapour Applied to MA Processing Operations 38. Shelf Life of Foods 39. Kinetic of Food Deteriorative Reactions 40. Water Activity and Shelf Life 41. Effect of Logistics Environment on Shelf Life 42. Shelf Life Testing 43. MAP Modeling 44. Principles of Enzyme Kinetics 45. Enzyme Kinetics Applied to MAP 46. MAP Design with O2 Modelling (Experiments on Tomato Fruit) 47. Methods of Storing Fruits in Polymeric Packets with MAP

About the Author

Dr. Chandra Gopala Rao obtained B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering) and M.Tech (Agricultural processing) from GB Pant university of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. He worked as teaching faculty of Agricultural Engineering in ANGR Agricultural University Rajendranagar, Hyderabad for about 34 years. Dr. Gopala Rao obtained Ph.D from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Few Research papers of Dr. Gopala Rao are published in Indian and foreign Journals. Dr. Rao is a life member of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers. Presently working as part time teaching faculty in Post graduate and Research Centre of ANGRAU, Hyderabad, India.
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