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Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture
Author(s) :Woon-Seng Gan, Sen M. Kuo

ISBN : 9788126548576
Name : Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : Woon-Seng Gan, Sen M. Kuo
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 486
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This unique reference covers the basic concepts, principles, and theory behind digital signal processing (DSP), but emphasizes a learn-by-doing approach and forces on real time applications. Readers quickly learn to use the latest tools to design, stimulate, and implement the algorithms for applications.

·   Part A explores fundamental DSP concepts using software tools from Math Works, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), and National Instruments (NI)

·   Part B focuses on the design and implementation of embedded systems based on the Blackfin processor and introduces many design and development tools

·   Part C focuses on the design and implementing real-time DSP applications

·   The book includes experiments and exercises based on the Blackfin BF533 and BF537 EZ-KIT Lite boards; an accompanying FTP site provides additional exercise using the Blackfin simulator  and other EZ-KIT Lite boards

·   The companion Web site is updated continually to reflect the latest upgrades to Blackfin tools and processors

·   Hans-on examples, quizzes, experiments, exercises, exercise problems, and application projects accelerate and enhance learning

This is an excellent desktop reference for practicing engineers and a combination workbook and textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in embedded signal processing and/or real-time signal processing courses.


1. Introduction. Part A: Digital Signal Processing Concepts. 2. Time-Domain Signals and Systems, 3. Frequency-Domain Analysis and Processing, 4. Digital Filtering, Part B: Embedded Signal Processing Systems And Concepts, 5. Introduction to the Blackfin Processor, 6. Real-Time DSP Fundamentals and Implementation Considerations, 7. Memory System and Data Transfer, 8. Code Optimization and Power Management, Part C: Real-World Applications, 9. Practical DSP Applications: Audio Coding and Audio Effects, 10. Practical DSP Applications: Digital Image Processing.

About the Authors

Woon-Seng Gan, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Information Engineering Division in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has coauthored a textbook on digital signal processors and published more than 130 technical papers. Dr. Gan recently received sponsorship from Analog Devices, Inc., to set up a design class for the Blackfin processor.


Sen M. Kuo, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Northern Illinois University. He is the lead author of four books, including Active Noise Control Systems and Real-Time Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition, both from Wiley.
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