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Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability
Author(s) :Ashok K. Sharma

ISBN : 9788126548378
Name : Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : Ashok K. Sharma
Type : Text Book
Pages : 460
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The original book brings you in-depth coverage of the most vital microelectronic components of digital components of digital logic system design that underlie semiconductor memory. Keeping pace with the explosive growth in submicron development, the author presents state-of –the-art information on semiconductor memory technology for both volatile and nonvolatile memory devices, including testing reliability issues, and radiation effects, Semiconductor Memories provides in-depth coverage in the areas of design for testing fault tolerance failure modes and mechanisms, as well as screening and qualification methods. It offers will enhance your understanding of key topics such as:

·    Memory cell structures and fabrication technologies

·    Application-specific memories and architectures

·    Memory design, fault modeling and test algorithms, limitations, and trade-offs

·    Space environment. Radiation hardening process and design techniques, and radiation testing

·    Memory stacks and multiply modules for gigabyte storage

In addition you’ll find through coverage of recent advances in semiconductor memory devices as well as future technology developments. This book will be valuable to all industry professionals and students working with semiconductor memories, including those in computing, automotive, military , and aerospace fields. 


Introduction, 2. Random Access Memory Technologies, 3. Nonvolatile Memories, 4. Memory Fault Modeling and Testing, 5. Memory Design for Testability and Fault Tolerance, 6. Semiconductor Memory Reliability, 7. Semiconductor Memory Radiation Effects, 8. Advanced Memory technologies, 9. High-Density Memory Packing Technologies.

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