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Practical Manual on Principles and Practices of Social Forestry
Author(s) :B. Joseph, S. Hemalatha, A. Madhavi Lata, P. Laxminarayana

ISBN : 9789383635108
Name : Practical Manual on Principles and Practices of Social Forestry
Price : Currency 250.00
Author/s : B. Joseph, S. Hemalatha
Type : Text Book
Pages : 230
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

 The main objective of this manual on “Principles and practices of social Forestry” combines the basic and applied aspects of Social forestry and Agroforestry which are very essential for the beginners for obtaining knowledge of just social forestry, Farm forestry and Agroforestry, particularly for the undergraduate students of agricultural science and post graduates who have no knowledge of subject and entered the field newly. This book will equally useful for the extension workers, university teachers and progressive farmers  who are interested in converting their wasteland into green land.   In this book the author has taken full care while preparing the manual in providing the details of Tree farming such as description and Identification of trees species, establishment, growing pattern, raising, production and conservation of trees. Agricultural graduate students can consult the book for better knowledge, Research scientist interested in tree farming may also refer for upgradation. Besides students, wide range of people research scholars, gardeners, foresters, extension workers, arborists, plant propagators, nursery operators who desire a good understanding of the subject  would find this book as indispensable guide.


1.  Identification of Tree Species Suitable for Timber, Fuelwood and Fodder  2.  Identification of Tree Species Suitable for Roadside Plantation, Field Bunds, Windbreaks and for Wastelands  3. Identification of Minor Forest Tree Species, Trees for Beautification Purpose and Nitrogen Fixing Tree Species and Other Species Suitable for Agroforestry  4. Identification of Seeds of Important Tree Species 5.  Collection, Extraction and Storage of Tree Seeds 6.  Tests for Seed Viability and Germination 7.  Application of Pre-sowing Seed Treatment to Tree Seeds 8. Preparation of Nursery Beds and Sowing 9. Transplanting, Raising of Bare-Rooted and Containerized Plants 10.  Field Planting Techniques and Aftercare (Tending)  11. Biomass Estimation in Energy Plantations and Tree Height Measurement  12. Field Evaluation of Different Agroforestry Systems  13. Field Evaluation of Shelterbelts & Windbreaks  14.  Major Forest Products 15.  Cost of Cultivation of Commercial Trees in Wastelands: Bamboo  16.  Calculations

About the Authors

Dr. B. Joseph presently is a senior professor and Head of the Department of Farm Forestry, College of Agriculture, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, A.P. India. His professional career of teaching, research and extension in the field of Farm Forestry, Agroforestry, afforestation of wastelands spans over a period of 32 years. He has contributed more than 40 research papers and popular articles and also written 6 book chapters related to his field of specialization. He has guided a Ph.D. and 6 master’s students in Agriculture. He has been awarded ICAR Senior Research Fellow. He is responsible in development of models of Agroforestry systems suitable for semi-arid regions of Andhra Pradesh. He has conducted many training programmes related to Agroforestry, Farm Forestry, Social Forestry and Afforestation in wastelands for the benefit of the farming community of the state. He was a principal and co-principal Investigator for 8 afforestation Research projects awarded through competitive research grant by the Government of India. He is a principal Investigator for two medicinal plants small nursery raising projects centrally sponsored and sanctioned by the National Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi, Government of India.

Dr. S. Hemalatha is a Associate professor in Agronomy at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, A.P., India. An experienced researcher and teacher, guided 6 PG students. She is a author of many research articles and a practical manual as well as 4 book chapters. She has been honoured with Rythu Bandhu award for extension services during 2013.

Dr. A. Madhavi Lata presently is a Assistant professor of the Department of Farm Forestry, ANGRAU, Hyderabad, A.P., India. She is a experienced researcher and a teacher attended many National and an International seminar. She is a author for 6 research papers and many popular articles and a Book chapter in social forestry discipline.

Dr. P. Laxminarayana is professor of Department of Farm Forestry, College of Agriculture and he is having both teaching and research experience. He has been honoured by Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University meritorious best teacher award for teaching to Agricultural Polytechnique students during the year 2010.
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