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Rodents for Pharmacological Experiments
Author(s) :Tapan Kumar Chatterjee

ISBN : 9789383635313
Name : Rodents for Pharmacological Experiments
Price : Currency 395.00
Author/s : Tapan Kumar Chatterjee
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 304
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

"Rodents for Pharmacological Experiments" is a comprehensive guide to conducting pharmacological experiments on mice and rats. Written by an expert in the field, this book covers not only the methods for conducting effective experiments, but also the important topics of animal care and use in research. 

Section A of the book includes a detailed description of how to care for, breed, handle, and feed laboratory mice and rats.

Second B provides detailed information on 70 different types of pharmacological experiments that can be conducted on mice and rats. These experiments include methods for screening pharmacologically active substances, which are described in vivid detail, giving readers access to up-to-date information on this subject.

The book also includes two important topics: "Guidelines for care and use of animals in research" and "GLP for animal research." With several tables and data related to pharmacological experiments and rodents, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers in the fields of Pharmacology, pharmaceutics, physiology, pharmacognosy, and toxicology. 

"Rodents for Pharmacological Experiments" is an essential guide to achieving success in pharmacological experiments with mice and rats.


SECTION – A: GENERAL DISCUSSION ABOUT MICE AND RATS, The Laboratory Mouse, Data Related to Mice (Tables), The Laboratory Rat, Data Related to Rats (Tables), SECTION – B: EXPERIMENTS ON MICE AND RATS, Instruments used for Mice and Rats Experiments, Drug Doses used on Laboratory Mice and Rats

About the Authors

Dr. Tapan Kr. Chatterjee, M.Pharm.,Ph.D.,FIC,

Current Position: Associate Professor, Division of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

                Dr.T.K. Chatterjee, an Ex-UGC( Govt. of India) Research Scientist and presently a Faculty member of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,  Jadavpur University, Kolkata, has been actively engaged in Pharmacological & toxicological research and teaching for the last 3 decades.

                He has been resourceful contributor of more than ninety research papers in journals of National and International repute and he has to his trust worthiness as a distinguished author of books entitled  “Hand book on Laboratory Mice & Rats” (1993), “Herbal Options” (1st edition 1996, 2nd edition 1997, 3rd edition 1999), “Chemotherapy of Tropical Parasitic Infections” (1st edition 1995, 2nd edition 1999), “Skin – Diseases and Treatment” (1st edition 1999), “A Handbook of Pharmacology” (2011),”Antidiabetic plant Stereospermum suaveolens (Roxb.) DC” (2012), “Pharmacological properties of Coccinia grandis L.Voigt” (2012), “Medicinal plant Abrus precatorious L.” (2012) that attracted widespread recognition from various organization of Pharmaceutical, Medical and allied sciences. International conferences in different countries like Sweden, Germany, Belgium and U.K. have also been enriched by his resourceful papers, a number of times. Dr. Chatterjee is also a freelance Bio-Medical writer with appreciable expertise. He was felicitated by different organizations awarding him with prestigious awards like Ram Mohan Puraskar, Aadi Samman, NIMA Award, NAGARJUN PURASKAR etc. for his contribution in Pharmaceutical sciences.

                With the discovery of a new antibiotic MT81 (Patent No. 156916), Dr. Chatterjee's research work stands in high esteem embracing in depth study on the subject, and thus adding a new plume into his ever increasing contribution in the fields of Medical healthcare.
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