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Novel Carriers for Drug Delivery
Editor(s) :Manish K. Chourasia, Mohini Chaurasia, Nitin K. Jain

ISBN : 9789383635238
Name : Novel Carriers for Drug Delivery
Price : Currency 1995.00
Editor/s : Manish K. Chourasia, Mohini Chaurasia
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 452
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Recent biological discoveries have elevated the understanding and management of various diseases by pinpointing their etiologic progression. Unfortunately though, despite making rapid strides in the science of drug delivery, substantial gaps still exist in realizing the full potential of the newly acquired biologic background into clinically viable therapeutic modalities. Keeping abreast with these advances thus becomes highly essential for professionals engaged in healthcare and pharmaceutical disciplines, in order to instigate translational research capable of fulfilling the clinical void. In an attempt to facilitate this requirement, a short compendium of advanced drug delivery tools has been amassed in current book. Keeping in mind the target audience stress has been laid on usage of simple language, appealing artistic illustrations and schematic flow charts to aptly convey the basic concepts, manufacturing techniques, scale-up methodologies, characterization tools, advantages, drawbacks and applications of various novel drug carriers in a very systemic and concise manner. Interactions of various drug delivery systems with the targeted biological machinery and the consequently elicited toxicological aspects have also been contextually discussed. It is anticipated this handy text book will cater to a wide scientific population seeking information about novel drug carriers.


Chapter 1-Drug Delivery using Polymeric and other Carrier Systems, Chapter 2-Dendrimers in Drug Delivery, Chapter 3-Liposomes: Manufacturing and Applications, Chapter 4-Carbon Nanotubes and their Applications in Drug Delivery, Chapter 5-Target Oriented Nano-Carrier based Drug Delivery Systems, Chapter 6-Pegylation and Long-Circulating Nanoparticles, Chapter 7-Nanoparticle and Targeted Systems for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy, Chapter 8-Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems, Chapter 9-Nanosized Materials used in Diagnosis, Chapter 10-Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: A Promising Colloidal Carrier, Chapter 11-Niosomes Mediated Drug Delivery, Chapter 12-Microparticles as Drug Delivery Systems




About the Authors:

Manish K. Chourasia (M. Pharm, Ph.D) is working as Sr Scientist in the Pharmaceutics Division of Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow. He has more than 13 years of research experience in the field of novel drug delivery systems in cademia (Dr. H. S. Gour University, Sagar, India), pharmaceutical industry (SPARC, India), and research institute (CDRI). He has worked in National University of Singapore for postdoctoral work. In due course of time he has developed expertise in particulate and vesicular systems of drug delivery. He has published his research work in various peer reviewed journals of repute and also presented research work in symposium/conferences in India as well as abroad. He has several awards to his credit notably gold medal from university for undergraduate course, M.L. Khurana Memorial Prize, G.P. Nair award and CRS-Capsugel/Pfizer award by Controlled Release Society, USA.

Mohini Chaurasia (M. Pharm, Ph.D pursuing) is working as Assistant Professor in the Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Lucknow. She has been involved in the drug delivery research since last one decade and published her research work in various reputed scientific journals. As an academician she has around 10 years of experience in teaching pharmaceutics to graduate and post graduate students. In her teaching carrier she has guided more than 25 post graduate students for research work. Her experience is well reflected in this book in fulfilling the actual need of students pursuing pharmaceutical education.

Nitin K. Jain (M. Pharm, Ph.D) working as Scientist 'E'/Joint Director in the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. He has more than 8 years of academic and research experience especially in the field of regulation of biopharmaceuticals, and nano-biotechnology. His research work has been published in many reputed national and international journals. He has also presented many research findings in drug delivery science in various scientific conferences, meetings and forum and has been awarded for his research contribution. His expertise in drug delivery research is a major contribution in the compilation of this book.
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