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The Nobel Laureates and their Legacies: A Survey of Contributions to Economic Thought
Author(s) :Prof. BSR. Rao

ISBN : 9789383635511
Name : The Nobel Laureates and their Legacies: A Survey of Contributions to Economic Thought
Price : Currency 3495.00
Volume : I & II
Author/s : Prof. BSR. Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : Vol-I: 512 & Vol-II: 564
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

"The Nobel Laureates and their Legacies: A Survey of Contributions to Economic Thought." In this enlightening two-volume collection, explore the ground-breaking work of sixty-seven Nobel Prize winners in Economic Sciences from 1969 to 2010.

From General Equilibrium Theory to Game Theory, this comprehensive survey delves into the pivotal contributions made by these esteemed laureates in shaping the landscape of economics. Gain insight into their innovative research, spanning across macroeconomics, microeconomics, financial economics, and interdisciplinary studies.

Delving beyond their academic achievements, this collection also offers a glimpse into the personal journeys of these luminaries. Discover the triumphs and tribulations faced by these remarkable individuals, shedding light on the evolution of their ideas and the impact of their work.

For anyone fascinated by the evolution of economic theory, "The Nobel Laureates and their Legacies" is a must-read. Engaging and informative, this book provides a detailed account of the laureates' legacies, accompanied by insightful biographical sketches and a curated bibliography, making it a valuable resource for further exploration.


Volume – I

Section – I – Macroeconomics

1. Milton Friedman 2. Bertil Gotthard Ohlin 3. James Edward Meade 4. Theodore Wilhain Schultz 5. Sir William Arthur Lewis 6. Lawrence Robert Klein 7. James Tobin 8. Franco Modigliani 9. Robert Merton Solow 10. Robert Emerson Lucas JR 11. Robert Alexander Mundell 12. Finn Erling Kydland & Edward Christian Prescott 13. Edmund Strother Phelps JR 14. Paul Robin Krugman 15. Peter Arthur Diamond, Dale Thomas Morntensen & Christopher Antoniou Pissarides

Section-II - Financial Economics

16. Harry Max Markowitz 17. William Forsyth Sharpe 18. Merton Howard Miller 19. Robert C Merton & Myron Samuel Scholes

Section – III - Awards for New Methods of Economic Analysis Econometrics etc

20. Ragnar Anton Kittel Frisch 21. Jan Tinbergen 22. Wassily Wassilyovich Leontief 23. Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich 24. Tjalling Charles Koopmans 25. Sir John Richard Nicholas Stone 26. Trygve Magnus Haavelmo 27. James Joseph Heckman 28. Daniel Little Mcfadden 29. Clive William John Granger 30. Robert Fry Engle III.

Volume – II

Section – IV - General Equilibrium Theory

31. Paul Anthony Samuelson 32. Sir John Richard Hicks 33. Kenneth Joseph Arrow 34. Gerard Debreu 35. Maurice Allais

Section – V - Microeconomic Theory 

36. George Joseph Stigler 37. James Alexander Mirrlees 38. William Spencer Vickrey 39. George Arthur Akerlof 40. Andrew Michael Spence 41. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz 42. Vernon Lomax Smith 43. Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Stark Maskin & Roger Bruce Myerson 

Section – VI - Interdisciplinary Research

44. Simon Kuznets 45. Friedrich August Von Hayek 46. Gunnar Myrdal 47. Herbert Alexander Simon 48. James McGill Buchanan Jr. 49. Ronald Harry Coase 50. Gary Stanley Becker 51. Robert William Fogel 52. Douglass Cecil North 53. Amartya Sen 54. Daniel Kahneman 55. Oliver Eaton Williamson 56. Elinor Ostrom

Section – VII – Awards to Contributions in Game Theory

57. John Forbes Nash Jr 58. John Charles Harsanyi 59. Reinhard Selten 60. Thomas Crombie Schelling 61. Robert John Aumann

About the Author:

The author of the two volumes, Professor B.S.R Rao had a distinguished academic career of over five decades. He was educated in India and USA. He was formerly Professor and Head, Department of Economics, University of Pune, Reserve Bank of India Chair Professor of Finance, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune and teaching fellow, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. He was Ford Foundation Exchange Research Scholar at Wharton School of Finance and Commerce USA, 1965-66. He has academic association with Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Madras (now Chennai) and National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi.

Professor Rao authored/co-authored a number of books and professional articles and guided a large number of students for Ph. D. and M. Phil in Economics and Finance. He was a member of committees of University Grants Commission and the Union Public Service Commission.

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