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Book Details
Web Services & SOA Principles & Technology
Author(s) :Michael P. Papazoglou

ISBN : 9789332543683
Name : Web Services & SOA Principles & Technology
Price : Currency 1395.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Michael P. Papazoglou
Type : Text Book
Pages : 812
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2015
Publisher : Pearson/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book


Web services allow new and improved ways for enterprise applications to communicate and integrate with each other over the Web and, as such, are having a profound effect on both the worlds of business and of software development.

    The new edition of this bestselling book offers a comprehensive and up to date treatment of web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), giving you all you need to know to gain a solid foundation in this area. Building upon the clear, accessible approach of the first edition, it provides a complete introduction to the concepts, principles, technology and standards of web services. The book also provides an in depth examination of good design and development practises for SOA applications in organisations.

Key features:

  • A spiral approach to instruction helps readers build on and reinforce basic knowledge as the topics become more advanced.
  • Numerous examples which demonstrate the practical application of the theory are included.
  • Self-test questions, hints, tips and discussion topics feature throughout the book to support self-directed learning.

New to this edition:

  • Two new chapters have been added on SOA modelling and Cloud Computing technology.
  • A comprehensive real-life case study containing numerous practical examples has been integrated and referenced throughout the entire book to give readers ‘hands-on’ insight into applying theory to practice, and enhance understanding of the key concepts.
  • Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN), which is rapidly becoming an industry standard, is used throughout the book.
  • Discussion of software engineering issues related to implementing sound SOA applications is included.
  • Description of new standards, such as BPEL v2.0 is discussed.

·         A Companion Website ( offers detailed coding solutions available to download.


Part – I Basics, Part - II Enabling infrastructure, Part – III Core Functionality & Standards, Part – IV Event notification & Service Orinted Architectures, Part – V Services Composition & Transactions, Part – VI SOA Security & Policies, Part – VII Service semantics & business protocols, Part – VIII Soa modeling, design & development, Part-IX Service management, Part – X Emerging trends.

About the Author

Michael P. Papazoglou is a senior Professor at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, where he is the Executive Director of the European Research Institute in Service Science (ERISS) and the Scientific Director of the European Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems (S-Cube).

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