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Book Details
Principles and Practice of Agricultural Meterology
Author(s) :S. Venkatraman

ISBN : 9789383635344
Name : Principles and Practice of Agricultural Meterology
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : S. Venkatraman
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 321
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2017
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The book deals with (i) all aspects of the direct and indirect effects of weather and atmospheric elements on production, protection  and water needs of crops (ii) influences of micro-climates, morphology, physiology and growth stages of crops in differential responses of crops to weather vagaries and weather-induced setbacks and (iii) agrometeorological (a) irrigation scheduling (b) forecasting of crop  yields  and pests and diseases (c) determination of incidence of crop drought and (d) advisory services. The effects of  climate change on crops and cropping practices on global warming  and means to mitigate such effects are detailed. Measures essential for achieving (i) cost-effective agricultural sustainability with  environmental conservation in a steadily warming atomsphere  and (ii)  food-security  are set out. The book can serve as   a  text book  in Agricultural Meteorology and will be valuable   for  agricultural  policy planners and extension professionals.


Chapter 1: Origin of Developments Relating to and/or in Agricultural Meteorology, Chapter 2: Eco-Physical Aspects and Eco-Physiological Basis of Agricultural Meteorology, Chapter 3: Crop-Climate: Analogues and Zones, Chapter 4: The Concept and Relevance of Radiation Balance in Crop Culture, Chapter 5: Agrometeorology of Crop Water Usage, Chapter 6: Dry Farming Agrometeorology, Chapter 7: Avoidance, Anticipation and Control of Pests and Diseases, Chapter 8: Erosion of Top Soil by Rain and Wind, Chapter 9: Climate Change, Chapter 10: Agrometeorological Advisory Services, Chapter 11: Agricultural Renewal and Sustainability.

About the Author

S.Venkataraman, a graduate in Agriculture from Coimbatore and Post-graduate  in Plant Physiology from Benares , was awarded the  Ph.D. Degree  by Andhra University in 1984 for  his thesis entitled “Agrometeorological Studies for Optimal and Planned use of Surface Irrigation and Rainfall Resources ” . He began his career in Pune as ICAR Research Fellow under Dr. L.A. Ramdas. He joined the Agrimet Division of India Meteorological Department (IMD) at Pune in 1958. He voluntarily retired from IMD in 1980 and later later served as Agromet Expert of  (i) WMO in Yemen Arab Republic and (ii)  of  FAO  in Zambia.           

            Dr. Venkataraman has nearly 100 papers to his credit  in journals and  in proceedings of seientific meetings,  both national and international. As  senior author he got published, in 1992,  a book titled “ Crops and Weather “ by ICAR.  He is an Honorary Fellow of (i)  the Society for Environmental Sciences  and (ii) Association of Agrometeorologists.

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