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Total Quality Management Text, Cases & Readings
Author(s) :Joel E. Ross

ISBN : 9780367200770
Name : Total Quality Management Text, Cases & Readings
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : Joel E. Ross
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 550
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2015
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction to Total Quality Management, 2. Leadership, 3. Information and Analysis, 4. Strategic Planning, 5. Human Resource Focus, 6. Process Management, 7. Customer and Market Focus, 8. Benchmarking, 9. Organizing for Total Quality Management, 10. Productivity, Quality, and Re-engineering, 11. The Cost of Quality, 12. ISO 9000 and Universal Standards of Quality, 13. Theory of Constraints, 14. Varifilm Case Study.

About the Author

Dr. Joel Ross is Emeritus professor of management at Florida atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. He graduated from yle University & received his doctorate in business administration from George Washington University. He has been chairman of Management 7 Director of the MBS Program. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Ross was a Commander in the U. s. Navy.

Dr. Ross is widely know as a platform speaker, seminar leader, consultant, & author. He has developed & conducted management development programs for over one hundred companies & organizations in the area of general management topics in Israel, South Africa, Venezuela, Panama, India, Ecuador, the Philippines, and Japan.

His articles have appeared in such journals as journal of systems management, Business Horizons, Long Range Planning, Industrial Management, Personnel, Management Accounting, & Academy of Management Information Systems, People, Profits, & productivity, and Total Quality Management: Text, Cases and Readings, which has been adopted by over 200 colleges & universities.

Dr. Ross has the reputation of being able to integrate academic principle with real world practice.

Dr. Susan Perry has been an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Management, International Business & Enterpreneurship at Florida Atlantic University. She graduated from the University of Florida & received her Ph. D. from Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Perry is experienced in industry & has conducted research in general management & corporate strategy.

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