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Book Details
Big Data Analytics Turning Big Data Into Big Money
Author(s) :Frank J. Ohlhorst

ISBN : 9788126554645
Name : Big Data Analytics Turning Big Data Into Big Money
Price : Currency 850.00
Author/s : Frank J. Ohlhorst
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 174
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2015
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

You’re sitting on a gold mine. Buried deep within your backup, in your data archives, or in the data sets right under your nose, are the secrets to increasing your revenue, finding new business relationships, and making more intuitive decisions that will take your organization to the next level. In Big Data Analytics, you’ll discover how to harness, analyze, and leverage your data to see big returns to your bottom line.

Author Frank Ohlhorst hares his decades of technical experiences to show you how to implement Big Data analytics into any size business or industry. In Big Data Analytics, you’ll discover how to mine the value of the data, expose trends that can be converted into competitive strategies, and explore data sources in more interesting and applicable ways to develop intelligence that solves problems and increases profits, productivity, and business opportunities.

·         The 4Vs of Big Data and the intrinsic value of each

·         Big Data and the business case: beyond Hadoop

·         Building the Big Data dream team

·         Choosing among in-house, outsourced, or hybrid approaches

·         The evolution of Big Data: today, tomorrow, and the next day

·         Best and worst practices

·         Bringing it all together

Any organization looking to stay ahead of the pack needs to get its arms around Big Data today. Learn how to make your data a key component of your growth strategy with Big Data Analytics.


1. What is Big Data? 2. Why Big Data Matters  3. Big Data and the Business Case 4. Building the Big Data Team 5. Big Data Sources 6. The Nuts and Bolts of Big Data 7. Security, Compliance, Auditing, and Protection 8. The Evolution of Big Data 9. Best Practices for Big Data Analytics 10. Bringing It All Together.

About the Author

FRANK J. OHLHORST is an award-winning technologyjournalist, professional speaker, and IT business consultant withover twenty-five years of experience in the technology arena. Hehas written for several leading technology publications, speaks atmany industry conferences, and has several industry certifications.

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