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Offshore Sedimentary Basins of India Geology, Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Prospects
Author(s) :B. T. V. Seshavataram

ISBN : 9789383635740
Name : Offshore Sedimentary Basins of India Geology, Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Prospects
Price : Currency 6995.00
Author/s : B. T. V. Seshavataram
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 276
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The book is a lucid and well-structured compilation of general technical information on Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir and Production data of offshore sedimentary basins of India.

       The major hydrocarbon resource potential belongs to offshore sedimentary basins, hence it is quite pertinent to bring out a book on offshore sedimentary basins of India.

       The author dealt in detail the role of Plate tectonics and northward flight/movement of the Indian plate in the tectonic evolution of continental margins vis-a-vis the formation of Mesozoic Tertiary Pericratonic rift basins along the western and eastern offshore of India.

       Each offshore basin has been discussed with respect to its geological set up, tectonics, sedimentation history, depositional environment, geochemistry and petroleum habitat in a manner which gives an overall idea of the evolution of Petroleum System of each basin and further exploration thrust required. Hydrocarbon exploration is mainly focused in the new frontier areas i.e., Deep waters worldwide.

       The discoveries of offshore Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sumatra and comparison of their geological similarity with the offshore basins of India will surely generate special interest to the readers.

       The chapter on Gas Hydrates and the National Gas Hydrate Programme (NGHP) will evoke new interest in this Unconventional future hydrocarbon Resource.

            The book provides a comprehensive overview of the offshore Sedimentary Basins of India and their E & P activities which will be quite useful and act as a ready reckoner to the students and persons associated with upstream sector of the hydrocarbon industry.


Chapter – 1: Introduction, Chapter – 2: Sedimentary Basins of India, Chapter – 3: Classification of West and East Coast in Indian Offshore Basins, Chapter – 4: Plate Tectonics with Special Reference to Indian Plate Movements, Chapter – 5: Western Offshore Basins, Chapter – 6: The East-Coast Offshore Sedimentary Basins, Chapter – 7: Deep Water Exploration, Chapter – 8: Gas Hydrates.

About the Author

B.T.V. Seshavataram, born on April 07, 1943 in West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. Pursued his B.Sc (Hons) Special Course in Geology in 1962 and M.Sc (Geology) in 1963 from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. Successfully completed Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Annamalai University, Tamilnadu during 1987. Joined the Oil & Natural Gas Commission, as an Executive in October 1963. Underwent training in Exploration & Exploitation of Hydrocarbons from USSR during 1972 and from Paris, France during 1983.

Mr. Seshavataram had served Oil & Natural Gas Corporation for over 37 years in various capacities dealing with various facets of Hydrocarbon Exploration & Exploitation and Worked in almost all the sedimentary basins of India (both onshore & offshore) in key positions. Associated with Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH/MoPNG) as an Exploration head and also actively associated with M/s. Western Geophysical, London during the year 1997 and generated a report on the interpretation of speculative seismic surveys in Eastern Offshore of India. He had number of technical reports/publications to his credit, also presented number of technical papers in various seminars and conferences.

Mr. Seshavataram, having extensive industry experience, currently offering his services to M/s. Heramec Limited, Hyderabad in the capacity as Director (G&G). Toured extensively around the Globe, in evaluating the various diversified Sedimentary Basins in search of Hydrocarbons in Myanmar, Indonesia, Timor, N.W Australia, Newzealand, Yemen and Syria and so on, helping the company to bid, participate and obtain various foreign ventures.
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