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Statistical Techniques for Transportation Engineering
Author(s) :Kumar Molugaram, G. Shanker Rao

ISBN : 9789383635177
Name : Statistical Techniques for Transportation Engineering
Price : Currency 895.00
Author/s : Kumar Molugaram, G. Shanker Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 537
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

This book presents basic statistical techniques useful to the students of transportation engineering at both under graduate and post graduate level. It is intended for systematic reading. The fundamental  concepts of measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, Random variable, discrete and continuous distributions, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, Normal distribution, Mathematical  expectation, Moments, Skewness, kurtosis, Curve fitting, Correlation, Partial correlation, Multiple correlation,  Regression, hypothesis testing, time series and index numbers are discussed. Each topic in the book is treated in a systematic and logic manner. The book contains many examples and solved problems. Also a wide variety of exercise were given at all levels.


Chapter 1: An Overview of Statistical Applications, Chapter 2: Preliminaries, Chapter 3: Probability, Chapter 4: Random Variables, Chapter 5: Curve Fitting, Chapter 6: Correlation and Regression, Chapter 7: Sampling, Chapter 8: Hypothesis Testing, Chapter 9: Chi-Square Distribution, Chapter 10: Test of Significance – Small Samples, Chapter 11: ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), Chapter 12: Analysis of Time Series, Chapter 13: Index Numbers.

About the Authors

Dr. Kumar Molugaram obtained Bachelor's degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Master's Degree from J.N.T. University, Hyderabad, and Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. His area of specialization is Transportation Engineering, Statistical applications to Transportation Engineering and Optimisation Techniques.  He is a Professor & Head of Civil Engineering and Director of Infrastructure, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State.  He published over 55 research papers in various international and National journals and conferences. He has Guided 30 B. E Projects, 42 M. E. Projects and two Ph. Ds.  Presently he is supervising Eight Research (Ph. D) Students. He is a member of Departmental Research committee and Departmental Committee. He is a member of National level committee, constituted Govt. of India and member in several committees of Govt. of AP. He worked as Additional Controller of Examinations, OU, Chairman, Board of Studies in Civil Engineering.  He is a consultant for HMDA, SCCL and GHMC works. He is a Co-ordinator (STA), PMGSY, Govt. of India. He is a life member of several research and technical organizations like FIE, IRC, IUT, ASCE, IIBE, and SRS. He visited the Countries/International Cities like London, Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore, San-Francisco, Chicago, Washington D.C, Newyork in USA, Rome, Capri,  Bangkok, Hong-kong, Toronto, Beijing and Shanghai  to present research papers in international conferences. He visited 16 states in the country. He organized one national conference on “Civil Engineering Systems - 2006”, five workshops and one Training programmes till date. He delivered more than 145 expert lectures in the area of Transportation Engineering, optimization Techniques and engineering research methodology on various national platforms in India. Prof. Kumar has over 18 years of Teaching, Research and Consultancy experience.

G. Shanker Rao has over 35 years of teaching experience. He has been teaching Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Statistics and Graph theory for the last 25 years. Presently he is a member of staff, Department of mathematics, University college of Engineering (A), Osmania University.
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