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Experimental Organic & Medicinal Chemistry Principles & Practice
Author(s) :T. Durai Ananda Kumar, N. Swathi

ISBN : 9789383635269
Name : Experimental Organic & Medicinal Chemistry Principles & Practice
Price : Currency 595.00
Author/s : T. Durai Ananda Kumar, N. Swathi
Type : Text Book
Pages : 470
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book 

The modern medicinal chemistry utilizes several novel drug discovery tools to identify the drug-like molecules (lead) and to convert them into therapeutically potential molecules. The advanced and adequate practice in synthetic medicinal chemistry is essential for pharmacy graduates (B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy) to receive recognition in academia and industry sectors. This book titled Experimental Organic and Medicinal Chemistry-Principles & Practice consists of several topics covering both theory and practical concepts. The material spreads into synthetic and analytical approaches. The synthetic approach includes synthesis of drugs and drug intermediates and green synthetic strategy. The analytical approach deals with estimations of drugs, qualitative analysis of inorganic, organic and natural products, isolation and determination of active principles from natural sources. In addition, safety measurements, general laboratory practices, preparation of a few solutions and reagents are included as a ready reference. This book is a good companion for students of B. Pharmacy and a source book for M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry) and other Pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry disciplines.

Salient features of this book are

  • Systematic descriptions in simple language.
  • Neat and self explanatory chemical reaction mechanisms.
  • The role of reagents, alternative reagents and hazards associated are highlighted.
  • Pharmaceutical relevance of chemical reactions are described.
  • Limit tests, qualitative analysis of inorganic, natural and synthetic organic compounds are described in a lucid manner.
  • Estimations of natural and organic-medicinal compounds along with isolation of active principles are discussed.


GENERAL LABORATORY GUIDELINES AND PRACTICES - Chapter 1: General Laboratory Safety, Chapter 2: General Laboratory Practices, PREPARATION OF DRUG INTERMEDIATES AND DRUGS - Chapter 3: Acylation, Chapter 4: Oxidation, Chapter 5: Reduction, Chapter 6: Hydrolysis, Chapter 7: Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution, Chapter 8: Beckmann Oxime Rearrangement, Chapter 9: Biltz Synthesis, Chapter 10: Erlenmeyer-Plochl Azlactone Synthesis, Chapter 11: Fischer-Speier Esterification, Chapter 12: Williamson’s Ether Synthesis, Chapter 13: Claisen-Schmidt Condensation, Chapter 14: Knoevenagel Condensation, Chapter 15: Pechmann Reaction, Chapter 16: Alkylation, Chapter 17: Perkin Condensation, Chapter 18: Wohl-Ziegler Reaction, Chapter 19: Fischer Indole Synthesis, Chapter 20: Vilsmeier-Haack Reaction, Chapter 21: Mannich Reaction, Chapter 22: Schiff Base Synthesis, Chapter 23: Biginelli Reaction, Chapter 24: Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridine Synthesis, Chapter 25: Radziszewski Reaction, Chapter 26: Phillips Reaction, Chapter 27: Borsche-Drechsel Cyclization, Chapter 28: Paal-Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis, Chapter 29: Paal-Knorr Thiophene Synthesis, Chapter 30: Paal-Knorr Pyrazole Synthesis, Chapter 31: Reimer-Tiemann Reaction, Chapter 32: Skraup’s Synthesis, Chapter 33: Von Baeyer Synthesis, Chapter 34: Diazotization Reaction, Chapter 35: Quinoxaline Synthesis, Chapter 36: Bernthsen Synthesis, Chapter 37: Uracil Synthesis, Chapter 38: Sulphonamide Synthesis, Chapter 39: Isoxazole Synthesis, Chapter 40: Sulphonic Esters Synthesis, GREEN SYNTHESIS - Chapter 41: Green Synthesis, ESTIMATION OF DRUGS PRESENT IN FORMULATIONS - Chapter 42: Estimation of Drugs by Acid-Base Titration, Chapter 43: Estimation of Drugs by Non-Aqueous Titration, Chapter 44: Estimation of Drugs by Diazotization Titration, Chapter 45: Estimation of Drugs by Redox Titration, QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF INORGANIC AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS - Chapter 46: Quality Control of Pharmaceuticals, Chapter 47: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Compounds, Chapter 48: Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds, Chapter 49: Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates, Chapter 50: Qualitative Analysis of Amino Acids and Proteins, Chapter 51: Qualitative Analysis of Alkaloids, Chapter 52: Qualitative Analysis of Steroids, Chapter 53: Qualitative Analysis of Terpenoids, Chapter 54: Qualitative Analysis of Glycosides, Chapter 55: Colour Tests for the Identification of Drugs, Chapter 56: Identification of Adulterants, ISOLATION AND DETERMINATION OF ACTIVE PRINCIPLES FROM NATURAL PRODUCTS - Chapter 57: Isolation of Active Principles from Natural Products, Chapter 58: Determination of Active Principles of Natural Products, PREPARATION OF SOLUTIONS AND REAGENTS - Chapter 59: Preparation of Solutions, Chapter 60: Preparation of Reagents.

About the Authors:

T. Durai Ananda Kumar, M Pharm., is working as a senior Assistant Professor, in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy, Bachupally, Hyderabad. He has 9 years of teaching (Organic-Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacoinformatics) experience for under graduate and post graduate pharmacy students. His research activities focus on the design and synthesis of heterocycles, molecular modelling studies and generalization of synthetic and analytical chemical reactions using Design of Experiments (DoE) approach. He has guided research projects for M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis) students. He has 14 research publications in reputed national and international scientific journals. He is on editorial board of Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology. He has authored the book titled 'Elementary Pharmacoinformatics'. He is a life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI). 


N. Swathi, M. Pharm., is working as Senior Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy, Bachupally, Hyderabad. She has 10 years of teaching experience and taught Organic-Medicinal Chemistry subjects for B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy students. Synthesis and evaluation of nitrogen-based heterocycles and molecular modeling studies were few of her research interests. She has guided nine M. Pharmacy (Pharmacuetical Chemistry) students. She is a registered pharmacist in Andhra Pradesh State Pharmacy Council and a Life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. She has eight research publications in national and international scientific journals.

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