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Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Author(s) :E. Srinivasa Reddy

ISBN : 9789383635788
Name : Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Price : Currency 495.00
Author/s : E. Srinivasa Reddy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 468
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book

The book is designed to serve as a textbook for a single-semester undergraduate course on formal languages and automata theory. The book introduces the reader to the fundamentals of theory of computation. Beginning with finite automata and regular grammars, the book goes on to discuss context-free grammars, push down automata, and Turing machines. Dedicated chapters on undecidability, Chomsky hierarchies and linear bound automata, and intractable problems make this a complete text on automata theory. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, the book includes a large number of solved examples which illustrate problem-solving methodology.

Besides providing readers with a detailed introduction to the theories related to computer science, this book also fully covers mathematical preliminaries which are essential to computation. Solved examples have been included over the course of the book for every chapter, separate previous gate questions and their solutions are given to help students in improve their knowledge of the concepts they learn in each chapter. In order to help improve the problem-solving capabilities of students, the author has also made sure that every chapter in this book includes objective-type questions.


 Chapter 1: Basic Mathematical Techniques, Chapter 2: Formal Languages, Chapter 3: Finite Automata, Chapter 4: Regular Languages and Finite Automata, Chapter 5: Context Free Grammars and Languages, Chapter 6: Push Down Automata, Chapter 7: Turing Machines, Chapter 8: Computability Theory, Answers to Objective Type Questions, Gate Solved Questions 2007 to 2014.

About the Author

Prof. E. Sreenivasa Reddy, presently working as DEAN, Faculty of Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University completed his B.Tech in ECE from ANU, Guntur, Masters degree (M.S) in Electronics from BITS, PILANI, M.Tech from VTU in Computer Science and completed Ph.D in Computer Science from ANU. He has 24 years of teaching experience and 10 years of research experience. He produced two Ph.Ds and two M.Phil’s so far. His areas of interests are Image Processing, Machine learning, Pattern Recognition, Microprocessors etc. Recognized as Research Expert by IMARAT (a DRDO Unit), Hyderabad, A. P. India. Recognized as Research supervisor by JNIAS, Hyderabad. He had published more than 50 journal papers and presented more than 50 conference papersand written 5 books for engineering students on Microprocessors, Design Analyis of algorithms, C programming etc. He also produced Audio/Video lessons on many subjects. He was the editor of ANU Engineering Journal and member of editorial boards of many journals like International Journal of Video, Image, Signal & Audio (VISA) Processing, published by Global Research  Publications, New Delhi, The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Techniques, International Journal of Image Processing, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, International Journal of Reviews in Computing.

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