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Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Modelling and Control
Author(s) :Xiao-Ping Zhang, Christian Rehtanz, Bikash Pal

ISBN : 9788132233329
Name : Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Modelling and Control
Price : Currency 1895.00
Author/s : Xiao-Ping Zhang, Christian Rehtanz
Type : Text Book
Pages : 578
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2015
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The extended and revised second edition of this successful monograph presents advanced modeling, analysis and control techniques of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). The book covers comprehensively a range of power-system control problems: from steady-state voltage and power flow control, to voltage and reactive power control, to voltage stability control, to small signal stability control using FACTS controllers.

 In the six years since the first edition of the book has been published research on the FACTS has continued to flourish while renewable energy has developed into a mature and booming global green business. The second edition reflects the new developments in converter configuration, smart grid technologies, super power grid developments worldwide, new approaches for FACTS control design, new controllers for distribution system control, and power electronic controllers in wind generation operation and control. The latest trends of VSC-HVDC with multilevel architecture have been included and four completely new chapters have been added devoted to Multi-Agent Systems for Coordinated Control of FACTS-devices, Power System Stability Control using FACTS with Multiple Operating Points, Control of a Looping Device in a Distribution System, and  Power Electronic Control for Wind Generation.


1.FACTS-Devices and Applications, 2.  Modeling of Multi-Functional Single Converter FACTS in Power Flow Analysis, 3.  Modeling of Multi-Converter FACTS in Power Flow Analysis, 4.  Modeling of FACTS-Devices in Optimal Power Flow Analysis, 5. Modeling of FACTS in Three-Phase Power Flow and Three-Phase OPF Analysis, 6. Steady State Power System Voltage Stability Analysis and Control with FACTS, 7. Steady State Voltage Stability of Unbalanced Three-Phase Power Systems, 8. Congestion Management and Loss Optimization with FACTS, 9. Non-intrusive System Control of FACTS, 10. Autonomous Systems for Emergency and Stability Control of FACTS, 11. Multi-agent Systems for Coordinated Control of FACTS-Devices, 12. Wide Area Control of FACTS, 13. Modeling of Power Systems for Small Signal Stability Analysis with FACTS, 14. Linear Control Design and Simulation of Power System Stability with FACTS, 15. Power System Stability Control Using FACTS with Multiple Operating Points, 16. Control of a Looping Device in a Distribution System, 17. Power Electronic Control for Wind Generation Systems.
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