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Medicomarketing Writing: A Career for Health Science Students
Author(s) :Viswanatha Mathad, Anusuya D

ISBN : 9789352300860
Name : Medicomarketing Writing: A Career for Health Science Students
Price : Currency 350.00
Author/s : Viswanatha Mathad, Anusuya D
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 213
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Medicomarketing Writing: A Career for Health Science Students is a must-have guide for those who want to pursue a career in medical writing. Driven by the growing need for promotion of pharmaceutical products, medicomarketing communication or healthcare communication has emerged as a top career choice for pharmacy, medicine, dentistry and life science graduates. 

This book provides practical insights into developing effective marketing strategies through compelling medical literature. As a pioneer in the industry with over 15 years of experience, the author outlines the skills and expertise required for medicomarketing writing, in order to bridge the gap between a great idea and a highly successful marketing campaign. 

Whether you’re a newbie in the field, a product manager, medical advisor, senior medical writer, team leader, or project manager in a medical communication or medical advertising agency, this book is tailored specifically to your needs. With a wealth of knowledge and advice, it's an indispensable guide for anyone who wants to excel in medicomarketing communication.


Part I: Introduction, 1. Medical Writing, 2. Medicomarketing Communication or Healthcare Communication, 3. Product Life Cycle and Various Promotional Inputs, 4. Qualifications and Skills, 5. Career Path, 6. Medical Communications: A New Age Growing Business, 7. Where can you Learn Medical Writing?, 8. Finding a Job, 9. Typical Project Flow in Medicomarketing, Part II: Writing Process, 10. Understanding the Topic/Brief/Client Requirement, 11. Resourcing,12. Reading and Understanding the References, 13. Get an Overview of the Subject even before Understanding the Topic, 14. Content Approach or Outline, 15. Writing Different Parts of the Article, 16. Revision, Part III: Variety of Medicomarketing Projects, 17. Teaser Campaign, 18. Training Kit (Slides and Manual), 19. Product Monograph, 20. Detail Aid or Visual Aid, 21. Symposium Highlights, 22. Advisory Board Meetings, 23. Brochure, 24. Newsletters, 25. Pharmaceutical Brand Website, 26. Content for Social Media, 27. Patient Education Materials, Part IV: Writing Different Types of Articles, 28. Journal and Conference News, 29. Review Articles, 30. Case Studies, 31. Expert Opinion, 32. Guidelines, 33. Book Reviews, Part V: Biostatistics for Medical Writers, 34. Essential Biostatistics for Medical Writing, Part VI: Beyond Writing, 35. Paper and Printing Process, 36. Working with Designers, 37. Working with Marketing, 38. Working with Clients, 39. Working as a Freelancer, 40. Copyediting, 41. Writing a Proposal, 42. Medical Writer as a Manager, 43. Writer’s Block, 44. Performance Appraisal.

About the Author:

Viswanatha, a postgraduate in pharmacy and he has experience in Quality Assurance and R&D departments in the pharmaceutical Industry and as a lecturer. His understanding of healthcare communication and the pharmaceutical industry requirements in India gave him an edge to lead team of medical writers for 15 years. He is involved in recruitment, training and assessment of newbie writers

Anusuya D is a postgraduate in pharmacy. She started her career as a research assistant but soon moved to Biogard, the publisher of CIMS as an editor. She worked as medical writer, group head with various medical communications companies. Together with Viswanatha, she conducts a course on medicomarketing writing at ‘Tulip Medcom’.

‘Medicomarketing Writing: A Career for Health Science Students’is the culmination of their total experience.

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