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A Textbook of Novel Drug Delivery Systems
Author(s) :V. Sankar, S. Ramesh, V. Shanmugan

ISBN : 9789381075968
Name : A Textbook of Novel Drug Delivery Systems
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : V. Sankar, S. Ramesh
Type : Text Book
Pages : 148
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

The first edition of this book entitled "A Textbook of Novel Drug Delivery Systems" consists of 10 chapters and covers basic concepts in mucoadhesive drug delivery system, oral controlled drug delivery system, prodrugs, resealed erythrocytes and transdermal drug delivery systems. This book has been written with clear description, figure along with illustrative examples. In all chapters we discussed about different polymers used, preparation methods and characterization. It will be useful for undergraduate and post graduate students in pharmacy. It will also increase the interest of this subject and made easier for the readers.


1.Nanoparticles 2. Specific Drug Delivery Systems for Colon 3. Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery Systems 4. Liposomes 5. Microspheres 6. Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery Systems 7. Oral Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems 8. Prodrugs 9. Resealed Erythrocytes 10. Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

About the Author: 

Dr.V.Sankar, Professor and Head, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, P.S.G college of Pharmacy, Coimbatore(Tamilnadu) is an international expert in Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics. He has been awarded 3 best research paper awards by Bharathidasan University, Alagappa University and Jadavpur University. He has participated 8 International and 12 National conferences.  With funding support of Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology and Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, he has conducted 5 research projects. He is the Associate Editor of  the International Journal of Pharmacy  and is a Research Reviewer for two international  journals namely Informa World Journal (UK) and Biosciences Asia (Thailand). He is an active member of pharmacy bodies such as IPA, APTI, IPGA and IHPA. To his credit, he has one textbook on Physical Chemistry and 41 research papers. 

Dr.S.Ramesh, Associate Professor and Head Dept. of Pharmaceutics , Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy , AP (India) got his doctorate degree in 2011 from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. His field of specialization is Nanotechnology and its application in pharmaceutical field. He has attended national conference and  published research papers in leading pharmaceutical journals of national and international repute. He also an active Associate member of the Academic pharmacy group of royal pharmaceutical society, London & Member of American Nano Society. 

Mr.V.Shanmugam, presently working as an Asst. Professor in the Department of pharmaceutics, Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy. He has done his post Graduate research work in Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai. He has published his research papers in National and international journals. His field of interests are the Biopolymers and Colloidal drug delivery system. He is the life member of APTI. He is doing his Doctoral research work in the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university, Kakinada with the support of central drug research institute and Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy.
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