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Environmental Management – A Primer for Industries
Author(s) :I.V. Murali Krishna, Valli Manickam

ISBN : 9789352301362
Name : Environmental Management – A Primer for Industries
Price : Currency 495.00
Author/s : I.V. Murali Krishna, Valli Manickam
Type : Text Book
Pages : 614
Year of Publication : 2016
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Environmental pollution is a problem both in developed and developing countries. Factors such as population growth, technological advancement and urbanization invariably place greater demands on the planet and stretch the use of natural resources to the maximum. This book on environmental management is an attempt to showcase the various issues in pollution, international and national regulations in place to prevent and minimize pollution and the various latest technological solution to pollution reduction. The book is a comprehensive primer on environmental management discussing all issues related to pollution assessment, prevention and abatement and is expected to be particularly useful for the professional working in the industry.


1. Introduction, 2. International Environmental Laws, 3. National Environmental Laws, 4. Life Cycle Assessment, 5. Environmental Impact Assessment, 6. Environmental Audit, 7. Environmental Accounting, 8. Environmental Risk Assessment, 9. Energy Management and Audit, 10. ISO 9000, 14000 Series and OHSAS 18001, 11. Water Treatment Technologies, 12. Wastewater Treatment Technologies, 13. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technologies, 14. Air Pollution and Control Technologies, 15. Noise Pollution, 16. Solid Waste Management, 17. Hazardous Waste Management, 18. Methods of Analysis for Water, Wastewater, Soil and Air.

 About the Authors:

DR. IV Murali Krishna, Dr Raja Ramanna Distinguished Fellow Government of India, has his Ph D from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in Engineering Faculty and M Tech from IIT Madras. He was formerly, Adjunct Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. Prior to this he was Director of Research and Development Centre at JNT University and Professor in Spatial Information Technology during 1990-2008 at JNT University at Hyderabad.  He is basically an Environment and Water Resources Engineer with expertise in Geospatial Technology, Terrain mapping, Environmental Management, Climate Change, Numerical Modelling and Environmental Impact Assessment.  He has co-authored books on Climate Change and Weather Modification Technologies and chapters on Global Data Base Design, ISPRS Publication Edited by Ryutaro Tateishi,  Chiba University, Japan and Remote sensing applications in Marine Science and Tech. He has many awards to his credit and has more than 110 papers in peer reviewed journals to his credit and has guided 47 Ph.D studies to date. 

Dr. Valli Manickam, Professor and Area Chairperson, Environment Area, CEEUGID, ASCI, is a Ph.D in Environment and Masters in both Computer Applications and Sciences, with over 18 years of research and teaching experience in the field of Environmental Science and Technology. Prior to joining ASCI, she has worked at Centre for Atmospheric Sciences and Weather Modification and at Centre for Environment, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.  She has coauthored four books in the field of environment on Environmental Impact Assessment, Analytical Chemistry, C for Environmental Engineers, Climate Change and Weather Modification Technologies. She was awarded Associate Fellow of the AP Academy of Sciences for her contribution to the field of environmental science in 2010. She is also currently the associate editor for the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, by Taylor and Francis group. She is presently executing projects sponsored by MoEFCC, DST and other state governments.
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