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Optimal Control Theory An Introduction
Author(s) :Donald E. Kirk

ISBN : 9780486324326
Name : Optimal Control Theory An Introduction
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : Donald E. Kirk
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 480
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2016
Publisher : Dover/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book: 

Optimal control theory is the science of maximizing the returns from and minimizing the costs of the operation of physical, social, and economic processes. Geared toward upper-level undergraduates, this text introduces three aspects of optimal control theory: dynamic programming, Pontryagin's minimum principle, and numerical techniques for trajectory optimization.

Chapters 1 and 2 focus on describing systems and evaluating their performances. Chapter 3 deals with dynamic programming. The calculus of variations and Pontryagin's minimum principle are the subjects of chapters 4 and 5, and chapter 6 examines iterative numerical techniques for finding optimal controls and trajectories. Numerous problems, intended to introduce additional topics as well as to illustrate basic concepts, appear throughout the text.


Part – I: Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance 1. Introduction 2. The Performance Measure Part – II: Dynamic Programming 3. Dynamic Programming Part – III: The Calculus of Variations and Pontryagins Minimum Principle 4. The Calculus of Variations 5. The Variational Approach to Optimal Control Problems Part – IV: Iterative Numerical Techniques for Finding Optimal Controls and Trajectories 6. Numerical Determination of Optimal Trajectories Part – V: Conclusion 7. Summation. 
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