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Dipmeter Surveys in Petroleum Exploration
Author(s) :Madhusudan Patil

ISBN : 9789383635252
Name : Dipmeter Surveys in Petroleum Exploration
Price : Currency 3295.00
Author/s : Madhusudan Patil
Type : Text Book
Pages : 128
Year of Publication : 2015
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

This book ‘Dipmeter Surveys in Petroleum Exploration’ giving all the required backup of the other allied subjects for easy and meaningful interpretations of the Dipmeters data, so that drilling of dry wells is avoided to maximum possible extent and new discoveries made, enhancing the oil resource of the country.

This book is divided in to three parts

·         Generalities

·         Structural and textural interpretation

·         Stratigraphic interpretation

The book may be equally usefull to the beginners as well as to the experienced professionals.


Part I-Generalities: 1. Dipmeter & Surveys, 2. Dip Computation, Part II-Structural & Textural Interpretation: 3. Structural & Textural Interpretation, 4. Folds, 5. Faults, 6.Fractures, 7. Unconformities, 8. Texture of rocks, 9. Sedimentary Rock-Structures, Part III-Stratigraphic Interpretation: 10. Stratigraphic Interpretation, 11. Fluvial System, 12. Deltas, 13. Inter-Deletaic Environements, 14. Carbonate Sedimments, reefs & other burried topography, 15. Con tinental Shelf sands, 16. Deep water deposition, 17. Dip Scatter as an Environmental indicator, 18. Pre-requisites & rules for Inter pretation of Dipmeter data, 19. Practical examples

About the Author:

Dr. Madhusudan Patil holds a Ph.D degree in Geology from Nagpur University and post-graduates Diploma in “Arial Photo-Interpretation as applied to Geology” from Indian Institute of Arial Photo-Interpritation, Survey of India, Dehradun. He has varied experience in the field of “Petroleum Exploration” and teaching. He worked in various capacities in ONGCL, Deharadun (India) and as “Inginieur Geologue” in Sector “Erg Oriental” of “SONATRACH” Oil Company of Algeria for two years. Apart from this, he worked as consulting “Petroleum Exploration Geologist” to various oil companies operating particularly in Gujrat State of India. He worked extensively on interpretation of Arial photographs and Dipmeters. This book is a result of his practical experience in the Dipmeter interpretation which he did in most of the Companies/Orgnisations he worked.
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