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Applied Chemistry: A Textbook for Engineers and Technologies
Author(s) :H. D. Gesser

ISBN : 9788184893434
Name : Applied Chemistry: A Textbook for Engineers and Technologies
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : H. D. Gesser
Type : Text Book
Pages : 392
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2010
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book: 

Intended for use in a one semester course to indtroduce enginerring or technology students to various aspeets of chemisty as applied to engineering, this comprechensive textbook consists of 16 chapters and 4 appendices, one of which is devoted to patents. The emphasis is on energy and the environment which permeate all applied aspects. The subjects storage, and batteries/fuel cells. Other topics covered are corrosion, lubrication, explosives, water and its treatment, cement and concrete, and ceramics and composites. Polymer chemistryussions on adhesives and coatings.

Each of the chapters and tow of hte appendices (Surface Chemistry and Viscosity) comclude with a list of books and articles for further reading as well as a set of exercises which include problems that extend the topics beyond the text. Answers to the exercises are available to the instructor as a separate solutions manual.


1. Energy - An Overview 2. Solid Fuels 3. Crude Oil 4. Liquid Fuels 5. Alternate Fuels 6. Gaseous Fuels 7. Nuclear Energy 8. Lubrication & Lubricants 9. Electrochemistry, Batteries & Fuel Cells 10. Corrosion 11. Polymers & Plastics 12. Adhesives & Adhesion 13. Paint & Coatings 14. Explosives 15. Water 16. Cement, Ceramics & Composites. 

About the Author:

Hyman Davidson Gesser was born educated in Montreal receiving his B.Sc. (Honors Chemistry) from Loyola College and Ph.D. In Physical Chemistry from McGill University, He then spent three years on post-doctoral fellowships, first at the University of Rochester (NY) and then at the National Research Council of canda in Ottawa. In 1955, he joined the Chemistry Department of the University of Manitoba where he taught general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, applied chemistry, and a variety of graduate curses until he reflected in the more than 150 referred publications which have appeared inover 60 different journals. He has16 patents and has been a visiting professor in Israel, Janan, France, England, Australia, and Russia. 
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