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Digital Image Processing and Analysis: Human and Computer Vision Applications with CVIPtools Second Edition
Author(s) :Scott E Umbaugh

ISBN : 9781439802052
Name : Digital Image Processing and Analysis: Human and Computer Vision Applications with CVIPtools Second Edition
Price : Currency 1695.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Scott E Umbaugh
Type : Text Book
Pages : 977
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Whether for computer evaluation of otherworldly terrain or the latest high definition 3D blockbuster, digital image processing involves the acquisition, analysis, and processing of visual information by computer and requires a unique skill set that has yet to be defined a single text. Until now. 

Taking an applications-oriented, engineering approach, Digital Image Processing and Analysis provides the tools for developing and advancing computer and human vision applications and brings image processing and analysis together into a unified framework.

Providing information and background in a logical, as-needed fashion, the author presents topics as they become necessary for understanding the practical imaging model under study. He offers a conceptual presentation of the material for a solid understanding of complex topics and discusses the theory and foundations of digital image processing and the algorithm development needed to advance the field. 

With liberal use of color through-out and more materials on the processing of color images than the previous edition, this book provides supplementary exercises, a new chapter on applications, and two major new tools that allow for batch processing, the analysis of imaging algorithms, and the overall research and development of imaging applications. It includes two new software tools, the Computer Vision and Image Processing Algorithm Test and Analysis Tool (CVIP-ATAT) and the CVIP Feature Extraction and Pattern Classification Tool (CVIP-FEPC).

Divided into five major sections, this book provides the concepts and models required to analyze digital images and develop computer vision and human consumption applications as well as all the necessary information to use the CVIPtools environment for algorithm development, making it an ideal reference tool for this fast growing field.


Section I: Introduction to Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 1. Digital Image Processing and Analysis, 2. Computer Imaging Systems, Section II: Digital Image Analysis and Computer Vision, 3. Introduction to Digital Image Analysis, 4. Segmentation and Edge/Line Detection, 5. Discrete Transforms, 6. Feature Analysis and Pattern Classification, Section III: Digital Image Processing and Human Vision, 7. Digital Image Processing and Visual Perception, 8. Image Enhancement, 9. Image Restoration and Reconstruction, 10. Image Compression, Section IV: Programming and Application Development with CVIPtools, 11. CVIPlab, 12. Application Development, 13. CVIPtools C® Function Libraries, Section V: Appendices

About the Author:

Dr. Scott E Umbaugh is Professor and Graduate Program Director for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwadsville (SIUE). He is also the Director of the company Vision and Image Processing (CVIP) Laboratory at SIUE. He has been teaching computer vision and image processing, as well as computer and electrical engineering design, for over 20 years. His professional interests include digital image processing education, research, and development of both human and computer vision applications, and engineering design education.

    Prior to his academic career, Dr. Umbaugh worked as a computer design engineer and project manager in the avionics and telephony industries. He has been a computer imaging consultant since 1986 and has provided consulting services for the aerospace, medical, and manufacturing industries with projects ranging from automatic identification of defects in microdisplay chips to analysis of thermographic images for clinical diagnosis of brain disease. He has performed research and development for projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Defense, and many private companies.

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