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Electrical Machines and Drive Systems 3rd Edition
Author(s) :John Hindmarsh, Alasdair Renfrew

ISBN : 9789381269398
Name : Electrical Machines and Drive Systems 3rd Edition
Price : Currency 995.00
Edition : 3rd Edition
Author/s : John Hindmarsh, Alasdair Renfrew
Type : Text Book
Pages : 383
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2012
Publisher : Elsevier/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Recent years have brought substantial developments in electrical drive technology, with the appearance of highly rated, very-high-speed power-electronic switches, combined with microcomputer control systems.

This popular textbook has been thoroughly revised and updated in the light of these changes. It retains its successful formula of teaching through worked examples, which are put in context with concise explanations of theory, revision of equations and discussion of the engineering implications. Numerous problems are also provided, with answers supplied.

The third edition includes enhanced coverage of power-electronic systems and new material on closed-loop control, in addition to thorough treatment of electrical machines.


1. Introduction and review of basic theory 2. Transformers 3. D. C. Machines 4. Induction Machines 5. Synchronous Machines 6. Transient Behavior; closed-loop control 7. Power-electronic/electrical machine drives 8. Mathematical and computer simulation of machine drives. 
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