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Ad Hoc Wireless Networking
Editor(s) :Xiuzhen Cheng, Xiao Huang, Ding-Zhu Du

ISBN : 9788184898484
Name : Ad Hoc Wireless Networking
Price : Currency 995.00
Editor/s : Xiuzhen Cheng, Xiao Huang
Type : Text Book
Pages : 629
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Ad Hoc Wireless Networking is the next big thing in communication. This volume reveals the state-of-the-art of ad hoc wireless networking in addition to giving the fundamentals of routing protocols. It covers the topics of security, TCP performance over wireless links, power conservation, location discovery, scalability, proactivity, routing protocols, computational geometry, and more. The 15 self-contained chapters are authored by experts in wireless networking and mobile computing.


1. A Lifetime-Optimizing Approach to Routing Messages in Ad-hoc Networks, 2. Improving TCP Performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, 3. Energy Efficient Approaches in Wireless Networking, 4. Position Based Routing Algorithms For Ad hoc Networks: A Taxonomy, 5. Location Discovery in Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks, 6. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: From Theory to Protocols, 7. Applications of Computational Geometry in Wireless Networks, 8. Channel-Adaptive Ad Hoc Routing, 9. A Survey of Wireless Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges and Available Solutions, 10. Location Related Issues in Mobile Network Systems, 11. Power-Conserving Algorithms and Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks, 12. Secure Communication in Adverse Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 13. The Role of Proactivity in Wireless and Ad Hoc Networks, 14. Hybrid Routing: The Pursuit of an Adaptable and Scalable Routing Framework for Ad Hoc Networks, 15. Scalability of Routing in Ad Hoc Networks: Principles and Practice
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