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Computer – Aided Power Systems Analysis, Second Edition
Author(s) :George Kusic

ISBN : 9781420061062
Name : Computer – Aided Power Systems Analysis, Second Edition
Price : Currency 895.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : George Kusic
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 400
Year of Publication : Rpt.2017
Publisher : CRC Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About The Book:

Computer applications yield more insight into system behavior than is possible by using hand calculations on system elements. Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis: Second Edition is a state-of-the-art presentation of basic principles and software for power systems in steady-state operation.

Originally published in 1985, this revised edition explores power systems from the point of view of the central control facility. It covers the elements of transmission networks, bus reference frame, network fault and contingency calculations, power flow on transmission networks, generator base power setting, and state estimation from on-line measurements.

The author develops methods used for full-scale networks. In the process of coding and execution, the user learns how the methods apply to actual networks, develops an understanding of the algorithms, and becomes familiar with the process of varying the parameters of the program.

Intended for users with a background that includes AC circuit theory, some basic control theory, and a first course in electronic machinery, this book contains material based upon the author’s experience both in the field and in the classroom, as well as many Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) publications. His mathematical approach and complete explanations allow readers to develop a solid foundation in power systems analysis.

This second edition includes a CD-ROM with stand-alone software to perform computations of all principles covered in the chapters. Executable programs include 0,1,2 conversions, double-hung shielded transmission line parameters, zero and positive bus impedance computations for unbalanced faults, power flow, unit commitment, and state estimation.


1. Central Operation and Control of Power Systems, 2. Elements of Transmission Networks, 3. Bus Reference Frame, 4. Network Fault and Contingency Calculations, 5. Power Flow on Transmission Networks, 6. Generator Base Power Setting, 7. State Estimation from On-line Measurements.

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