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A Primer on Dosage Form Design
Author(s) :N. P. S. Sengar, Ritesh Agrawal, Ashwini Singh

ISBN : 9788188449149
Name : A Primer on Dosage Form Design
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : N. P. S. Sengar, Ritesh Agrawal
Type : Text Book
Pages : 136
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

This book presents comprehensive treatment of design of dosage form, design of controlled and sustained administration of therapeutic agents, with a total integration of basic concepts and application of fundamental principles of pre-formulation studies.

            It is divided into seven chapters, ranging from pre-formulation studies and its principle factors used in design of dosage forms to the validation methods, standard operating procedures, new product launch, process optimization, bio-availability, in-vivo evaluation are discussed in detail.

Salient Features:

  •  Written in simple, concise, and easy to understand language
  • Simple and self-explanatory figures have been judiciously added wherever necessary
  •  All recent references have been consulted for various topics to keep the students updated with the latest advancement.
  • Each topic has been covered in a very systematic and comprehensive manner
  • Provides a wide knowledge and information on stability testing and studies of its protocols in a very concised manner.


1. Performulation studies, 2. Study of Different Types of Formulations Additives, 3. Polymers, 4. Stability Studies, 5. Design, Development and Process Validation Methods for Pharmaceutical Operations Involved in Manufacturing of Dosage formulations, 6. The Performance Evaluation Method, 7. Standard Operating Procedures, Process Optimization, New Product Launch.

About the Author:

Narendra Pratap Singh Sengar has multifaceted experience in pharmacy field through industry, teaching, consultancy and authorship of books. He joined teaching profession in pharmacy in 2001. Since then, he has served the profession all-round constantly. Presently, he is working as a Professor in SIRT - Pharmacy, Bhopal. He did  M.Pharm (Gold Medal)  from RGUH University, Bangalore. He has been awarded Ph.D from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. He has published 8 research papers in various International/National journals and has also attended various International/National Seminars/Conferences as well.

Ritesh Agrawal has completed B. Pharmacy from RGPV, Bhopal (M.P) and M. Pharm (Herbal Drug Technology) from The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara (Gujarat). He has more than 4 years of teaching experience.

Ashwini Singh has completed B. Pharmacy from RGPV, Bhopal (M.P) and M. Pharm (Pharmacognocy) from Department of Pharmacy, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (M.P). she has more than 3 years of teaching experience.
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