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Digital Photogrammetry
Author(s) :Michel Kasser, Yves Egels

ISBN : 9780748409457
Name : Digital Photogrammetry
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : Michel Kasser, Yves Egels
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 368
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2002
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Photogrammetry, the use of photography for surveying, is primarily used for the production of maps from aerial photographs.  Along with remote sensing, it represents the primary means of generating data for geographic information system.

Photogrammetry has undergone a dramatic evolution in recent years with its transformation into “digital photogrammetry”. Firstly the distinctions between photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodesy and GIS are fast disappearing, as data can now be carried digitally from the plane to the GIS end-user. And secondly the benefits of digital photogrammetric workstations have increased dramatically. The comprehensive use of digital tools, and the automation of the processes, have significantly cut costs and reduced processing time. The first digital aerial cameras have become available, and the introduction of more and more new digital tools allows the work of operators to be simplified, without the same need for stereoscopic skills .Engineers and technicians in other fields are now able to carry out photogrammetric work without reliance on specialist photogrammetrists.

This book shows non-experts what digital photogrammetry is and what the software does, and provides them with sufficient expertise to use it. It also give specialists  an overview of these totally digital processes from A to Z. it serves as a textbook for  graduate students, young engineers and university lectures to complement a modern lecture course on photogrammetry,

Yves Egels and Michel Kasser have synthesized their contributions with the papers of 19 other top-ranking specialists in digital

photogrammetry, lectures, researchers, and production engineers, and have produced a very up-to-date text and guide.


1. Image acquisition. Physical aspects. Instruments, 2. Techniques for plotting digital images, 3. Generation of digital terrain and surface models, 4. Metrologic applications of digital photogrammetry.

About the Authors:

Michel Kasser, who graduated from Ecole Polytechnique de Paris and from ENSG, was formerly head of ESGT, the main technical university for surveyors in France. A specialist in instrumentation and space imagery, he is now University professor and head of the Geodetic Department at IGN-France.

Yves Egels, Who graduated from the Ecole polytechnique de Paris and from the ENSG, is senior photogrammetrist at IGN-France, where he pioneered analytical plotter software in the 1980s and digital workstations on PCs in the 1990s. He is now the head of the Photogrammetric Department at the ENSG and lectures in photogrammetry at various French technical universities.

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