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Basics of Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines
Author(s) :G. Jagadeeswar Reddy, T. Jayachandra Prasad

ISBN : 9789385433825
Name : Basics of Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines
Price : Currency 350.00
Author/s : G. Jagadeeswar Reddy, T. Jayachandra Prasad
Type : Text Book
Pages : 355
Year of Publication : 2017
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

In order to guide the students in an effective manner, this book has been written in a very simple and clear language. The entire curriculum of this subject was divided into 5 units.

UNIT I: Understanding of Electric Fields.

UNIT II: Understanding of Magnetic Fields.

UNIT III: Understanding of Electromagnetic Fields (Maxwell Equations).

UNIT IV: Understanding the Characteristics and Propagation of EM Waves.

UNIT V: Understanding the concepts of Transmission Lines.

Salient Features

  • This book has been written in such a straightforward language that a slow learner can understand the concepts very clearly.
  • Each chapter includes a sufficient content of problems with solutions which includes questions from previous papers. The solutions for the problems are given clearly step by step, immediately after the related theory.
  • At the end of each chapter, multiple choice questions, short answer questions with answers and exercises are also given, which will help the students to face the examinations confidently.
  • The impedance matching problems using smith chart are also explained in a very easy manner.


1. Static Electric Fields 2. Static Magnetic Fields 3. Maxwell’s Equations for Time Varying Fields 4. EM Wave Characteristics 5. Transmission Lines

About the Authors:

Dr. G. Jagadeeswar Reddy is currently working as Principal for Narayana Engineering College, Nellore, A. P., India. He Completed his B.Tech from S.V University, M.Tech from Mysore University and Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad in Electronics & Communications Engineering. He rendered his services as professor in various reputed organizations in Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu. Having Teaching Experience of  18 years enriched with administrations responsibilities in esteemed organizations. He attended an IEEE International conference conducted at Penang, Malaysia in Dec 2008, Where his paper has got best paper award and is published in IEEE explorer and in an International journal IJICT, He also attended many other National and International conferences and published more than 16 papers.

Dr. T. Jayachandra Prasad is currently working as Principal for RGIT, Nandyal, Kurnool, A. P. India. He received his B.Tech in ECE from JNTUCE, Anantapur and M. E. from CIT, Coimbatore. He earned his Ph.D. Degree in ECE from JNTUCE, Anantapur. He is having more than 30 years of experience and has more than 50 technical publications in National / International journals and conferences. His research areas and publications include signal processing and Electromagnetics. He is a life member of ISTE (India), Fellow of Institution of Engineers (Kolkata), Fellow of IETE, Life member of NAFEN, MIEEE. He is a member on the board of studies ECE dept, Yogivemana university and JNTUA.

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