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DSP Processor Fundamentals Architectures and Features
Author(s) :Phil Lapsley, Jeff Bier, Amit Shoham, Edward A. Lee

ISBN : 9788126523542
Name : DSP Processor Fundamentals Architectures and Features
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : Phil Lapsley, Jeff Bier
Type : Text Book
Pages : 224
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2013
Publisher : John Wiley / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Since the emergence of the first commercially successful digital signal processors in the early 1980s, the programmable DSP market has burgeoned. Designers can now select from a vast array of specialized processors with powerful signal–processing capabilities. DSP Processor Fundamentals presents an independent, comprehensive introduction to DSP processor technology. A thorough tutorial and overview of DSP architectures, this book incorporates a broad range of examples that illustrate DSP features and capabilities. This book is especially useful to electronic systems designers, processor architects, engineering managers, and product planners. 

Topics covered include:

  • Numeric formats
  • Data paths
  • Memory structures
  • Instruction sets
  • Execution control
  • Pipelining
  • On–chip peripherals
  • On–chip debugging facilities
  • Clocking options
  • And more!


1. Digital Signal Processing and DSP Systems 2. DSP Processors, Embodiments, and Alternatives 3. Numeric Representations and Arithmetic 4. Data Path, 5. Memory Architecture 6. Addressing 7. Instruction Set 8. Execution Control 9. Pipelining 10. Peripherals 11. On-Chip Debugging Facilities 12. Power Consumption and Management 13. Clocking 14. Price and Packaging 15. Fabrication Details 16. Development Tools 17. Applications Support 18. Conclusions.

About the Authors:

Philip D. Lapsley is a founder of Berkeley Design Technology, Inc., where he is responsible for special projects. He has worked at several research groups at the University of California at Berkeley, the NASA Ames Research Center, Teknekron Communications Systems, and the U. C. Berkeley Space Sciences Lab. 

Jeffrey C. Bier is a founder of Berkeley Design Technology, Inc., where he is responsible for general and technical management, research, and product development. His experience spans software, hardware, and design tool development for signal processing and control applications in commercial and research environments.

Amit Shoham is a Senior DSP Engineer with Berkeley Design Technology, Inc., where he focuses primarily on benchmarking DSP processor performance and evaluating DSP design tools. Prior to joining BDT, Mr. Shoham was at Silicon Graphics, where he developed diagnostics for digital audio hardware.

Edward A. Lee is a professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of California at Berkeley and a founder of Berkeley Design Technology, Inc. He has been co–director of the Ptolemy project (a system–level design and simulation project) at U. C. Berkeley since its inception in 1990. He is a fellow of the IEEE.

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