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Developmental Biology of Flowering Plants
Author(s) :V. Raghavan

ISBN : 9788181287953
Name : Developmental Biology of Flowering Plants
Price : Currency 2495.00
Author/s : V. Raghavan
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 376
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2008
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

The study of plant development using molecular and genetic techniques is rapidly becoming one of the most active areas of research on flowering plants. The aim of this book is to present a sense of the accomplishments of the past and of the outstanding problems of the future in the study of plant development. An important feature of this book is the integration of results from molecular and genetic studies on various aspects of plant development in a cellular and physiological context. Of particular interest to readers will be the clear treatment of each landmark stage in the life cycle of plants such as seed germination, seedling growth, flowering, gametogenesis, pollen-pistil interactions, embryogenesis, fruit ripening, and seed and bud dormancy. The book also considers the development of individual plant organs such as the shoot, leaf, root, and flowers as well as alternate developmental stratergies of plants. Appropriately, emphasis is placed on new insights on the molecular and genetic biology of plant development obtained from model systems like Arabidopsis and maize.

The book is intended as a text for courses in plant development for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in plant biology, botany, or agriculture. It will also be of interest to any biologist wishing to gain an understanding of current and future perspectives in the development of flowering plants.


1. Introduction to Plant Developmental Biology PART 1 : Seed to Seedling 2. Seed Germination 3. Seedling Growth PART 2 : Seedling to the Adult Plant 4. Growth and Differentiation of the Shoot 5. Leaf Growth and Differentiation 6. Root Growth and Development PART 3 : Reproduction 7. Floral Evocation and Development of the Floral Meristem 8. Formation of Floral Organs 9. Microsporogenesis and Formation of the Male Gametophyte 10. Megasporogenesis and Formation of the Embryo Sac 11. Pollen-Pistil Interactions and Fertilization PART 4 : Seed and Fruit Formation 12. Endosperm Development and Embryogenesis 13. Fruit Growth and Ripening 14. Dormancy of Seeds and Buds PART 5 : Alternative developmental Strategies 15. Embryogenic Development of Somatic Cells and Pollen Grains 16. Abnormal Plant Growth

About the Author:

V. Raghavan is Professor of Plant Biology at The Ohio State University, Columbus. He has published extensively on various aspects of development of vascular plants and is the author of four books in addition to this one, the most recent being Molecular Embryology of Flowering Plants (Cambridge university Press, 1997). 
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