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Data Communications & Teleprocessing Systems, Second Edition
Author(s) :Trevor Housley

ISBN : 9788178000756
Name : Data Communications & Teleprocessing Systems, Second Edition
Price : Currency 300.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : Trevor Housley
Type : Text Book
Pages : 494
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Data communications is still the fastest-growing aspect of computing. The subject has always been made artificially complex, and modern developments tend to complicate the issue even more. Satellite communications, local area networks, optical fibres, digital networks, the integrated services digital network, and the open system interconnection are examples of the rapid growth in the communications industry. Regardless of where you live, there are still universal principles that lie at the heart of all data communications. This book deals with these principles and addresses them in simple terms and in a logical sequence so that we will be able to locate easily the essential information we need to know to have a good understanding of data communications.


Part I : Hardware and networks 1. Introduction to On-Line Systems 2. Basic Communications Theory 3. Communications Lines 4. Multiplexers, Statistical Multiplexers, Concentrators, and Front-End Processors 5. Network Configurations 6. Terminals and Personal Computers 7. Modems and Interfaces 8. Local Area Networks 9. Digital PBX 10. Error Detection 11. Network Delays: Loop Delay Part II : Protocols and Architectures 12. Introduction to Network Protocols 13. The International Standards Organization’s Open System Interconnection 14. Introduction to Line Protocols : Half-Duplex Point-to-Point 15. Half-Duplex Multipoint 16. Half-Duplex Performance Analysis : Examples 17. Introduction to Full-Duplex Protocols 18. Introduction to HDLC/SDLC (High-Level Data Link Control/Synchronous Data Link Control) 19. HDLC Data Transfer 20. HDLC Network Examples 21. Network Design Summary Part III : Common Carrier Networks 22. Communications Carrier Facilities 23. Digital Data Networks and ISDN 24. Packet-Switching : CCITT RecommendationX.25 Part IV : Planning and Management 25. System Planning Considerations 26. Network Management Part V : Queuing and Statistical Calculations 27. Basic Statistics 28. Introduction to Queuing Theory.
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