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Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Author(s) :Pak K. Chan, Samiha Mourad

ISBN : 9788131724408
Name : Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Price : Currency 695.00
Author/s : Pak K. Chan, Samiha Mourad
Type : Text Book
Pages : 250
Year of Publication : Rpt. 1994
Publisher : Pearson / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

The need to prototype large-scale FPGA-based systems has also created a need for new design methodologies and the use of computer-aided design tools. To help readers keep pace, authors Pak K. Chan and Samiha Mourad describe the methodology and steps involved in using computer-aided design tools for the implementation of digital systems using FPGAs. Topics include both general concepts of logic design and specific issues related to FPGAs themselves.

Coverage Includes

  • Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
  • Design Flow
  • Review of Logic Design
  • Multilevel Logic Minimization
  • Finite State Machines
  • Placement and routing
  • Verification and Testing
  • Design Guidelines and Case Studies

Whether you are a student or practicing engineer, Digital design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays Provides a thorough grounding in the principles and techniques of advanced logic design.


1. Introduction 2. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays 3. Design Flow 4. Review of Logic Design 5. Multilevel Logic Minimization 6. Finite State Machines 7. Placement and Routing 8. Verification and Testing 9. Design Guidelines and Case Studies.
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