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Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Editor(s) :Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum

ISBN : 8188279099
Name : Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Price : Currency 1050.00
Volume : Volume -9
Editor/s : Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 285
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2003
Publisher : Ukaaz / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

The hills and oceans of india contain a variety of medicinal plants which have been used traditionally for treatment of various diseases. Most of these plants are known to the local tribes and remains scientifically unexplored. Medicinal uses of quite a number of plants have been mentioned in Vedas, puranas and susruta. From time immemorial, human beings have learned about plants/herbs for curative treatment of diseases. Sensing the importance and antidisease properties of the medicinal and aromatic plants, articles of this book have been compiled to give a clear idea of the subject and also help the medical practitioners to keep abreast of the latest developments.


  • Role of diet in prevention and cure of cancer.
  • Plant based anticancer drugs
  • Modelling of biopharmaceuticals for cancer
  • Fruit therapy and plant volatiles
  • Phytotherapy of dermatology
  • Psychoactive plants


1. Role of Diet in prevention and cure of cancer, 2. Cancer and plant based anticancer drugs, 3. Plant Biotechnology in modeling of biopharmaceuticals for cancer, 4. Fruit Therapy, 5. Plant Volatiles, 6. Phytotherapy in Dermatology, 7. Spices Medicines and its Improvement through Biotechnology, 8. Pharmaceuticals Plant Biotechnology, 9. Psychoactive plants

About the Authors:


Dr. Irfan Ali Khan obtained his M.Sc. from the Aligarh Muslim University and Ph.D. in Botany from the Osmania University, Hyderabad, specializing in Genetics and Plant Breeding. Dr. Khan is the Director of Nawab Shah Alam Khan Centre For Post Graduate Studies and Research (Affiliated to the Osmania University), Anwarul Uloom College Campus, Mallepally, Hyderabad. He teaches Post Graduate students and guides research scholars at this centre. He has published 105 research papers in the reputed National and international Journals and is now on the panel of experts on mungbean for all countries of the South-East Asia and the Middle East. His name has been included in the Directory of contribution of Muslim Plant Scientists in India. Dr. Khan has been the editor of “Frontiers in Plant Science”, has edited nineteen reference books and has co-authored three text books with his wife, Dr. Atiya Khanum. He is a Fellow of the Indian Society of Genetics(F.I.S.G.).


Dr. Atiya Khanum obtained her M.Sc and Ph.D. in Botany from the Osmania university, Hyderabad. Dr. Khanum has worked on the ecology of two lakes of Hyderabad with special reference to Planktonic and Mat-forming algal communities. She is a Associate Professor and Head of the P.G.Department of Botany, Nawab Shah Alam Khan Centre For Post Graduate Studies and Research (Affiliated to the Osmania University), Anwarul Uloom College Campus, Mallepally, Hyderabad. She teaches Ecology, Environmental Biology and Phytogeography to the Post Graduate students at this centre. She has published 18 research articles in reputed journals. Dr. Khanum has also co-authored three text books and co-edited twelve reference books with her husband, Dr. Irfan Ali Khan.
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