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Designing Embedded Systems with PIC® Microcontrollers Principles and Applications, Second Edition
Author(s) :Tim Wilmshurst

ISBN : 9789380501826
Name : Designing Embedded Systems with PIC® Microcontrollers Principles and Applications, Second Edition
Price : Currency 895.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : Tim Wilmshurst
Type : Text Book
Pages : 689
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2010
Publisher : Elsevier / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book :

The book that takes you from PIC® novice to embedded expert

  • Gain the knowledge and skills required for designing with 8-bit PIC® microcontrollers
  • Learn how to program in both Assembler and C
  • Pick up the big issues of embedded systems, through PIC®-based examples
  • Amazing breadth of coverage takes you from introductory to advanced topics.
  • Builds confidence and assists learning with sample code, reference designs, and fully worked and tested projects
  • Covers MPLAB® and other Microchip design tools
  • Introduces the Salvo Real Time Operating System
  • Design tools and sample code online
  • New : End of chapter activities help to check and develop knowledge.
  • New : More program examples, with full program listings online for easy cut and pasting
  • New : A survey of 16-and 32-bit PIC® microcontrollers introduces you to more advanced microcontroller concepts

This book is a hands-on introduction to the principles and practices of embedded system design using PIC® microcontrollers. Packed with helpful examples and illustrations; it takes the reader from basics through to advanced techniques for utilizing and optimizing the PIC family of microcontrollers in projects or studies.

Designing Embedded Systems with PIC® Microcontrollers is ideal for students of electronics and other engineering subjects, as well as practicing engineers or confident hobbyists who want to develop their PIC®-based and embedded skills.

Contents :

Section 1 : Getting Started with Embedded Systems, 1. Tiny computers, hidden control, Section 2 : Minimum Systems and the PIC 16F84A, 2.  Introducing the PIC mid-range family and the 16F84A, 3. Parallel ports, power supply and the clock oscillator, 4. Starting to program – an introduction to Assembler, 5. Building Assembler programs, 6. Working with time: interrupts, counters and timers, Section 3 :  Larger Systems and the PIC 16F873A, 7. Larger Systems and the PIC 16F873A, 8. The human and physical interfaces, 9. Taking timing further, 10. Starting with serial, 11. Data acquisition and manipulation, 12. Some PIC microcontroller advances, Section 4 : Smarter Systems and the PIC 18F2420, 13. Smarter systems and the PIC 18F2420, 14. Introducing C, 15. C and the embedded environment, 16. Acquiring and using data with C, 17. More C and the wider C environment, 18. Multi-tasking and the real-time operating system, 19. The Salvo real-time operating system, Section 5 : Where Can We Go from Here? Distributed Systems, Bigger Systems,  20. Connectivity and networks, 21. Moving beyond 8-bit: a survey of larger PIC microcontrollers.

About the Author:

Tim Wilmshurst has designed numerous electronic and embedded systems, many for specialist research applications. He is Head of Electronics at Derby University, UK, previously leading an electronics design group at Cambridge University. He is designer of the Derbot, or Derby Robot, used for educational and experimental embedded applications.
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