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Sustainability of Digital Libraries
Editor(s) :Nunsavath Rupsing Naik

ISBN : 9789383635337
Name : Sustainability of Digital Libraries
Price : Currency 2995.00
Editor/s : Nunsavath Rupsing Naik
Type : Text Book
Pages : 640
Year of Publication : 2015
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

International Conference on Sustainability of Digital Libraries (ICSDL) is the first International Conference in Telangana, India, organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) Library, Hyderabad, in the area of Library and Information Science.

     ICSDL-2014, aims to bring together the National and International experts in several areas connected to digital libraries to share research findings, experiences and exchange ideas. Majorly its focus on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. It also examine the nature and implications of the sustainable development and the potential impact of each alternate future for the development of digital libraries and their role in educational, cultural and economic development. It is being devised to take on the challenges of a knowledge society of tomorrow and dedicate the nation states a framework for sustainability in the area of preservation and management of knowledge.


1.Sustainable Digital Library Initiatives (SDL), Security Issues (SI), 2.Technologies for Sustainability (TS), 3.Database and Networking Management in Libraries (DNM), 4.Digital Library Practices (DLP), 5.Digital Resources and Services (DRS), 6.Human resource Management (HRM).

About the Editor:

Dr. N. Rupsing Naik is a University Librarian I/C at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad with over 18 years of professional experience. Naik is having post graduation in M.A.; M.L.I.Sc.; PGDCA from Osmania University, and also Ph.D. in Library & Information Science from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad. He has been working since 1993 in various categories in University Library at Osmania University and JNT University Hyderabad. He joined the Library at JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad on 3rd July 1997 as a Asst. Librarian and developed many sections.

    He has conducted Two-day Workshop on “Library Automation, Networking and Digitization”, Three-week Refresher course on “Library Automation and Digitization” Organized by UGC Academic Staff College, JNTU Hyderabad, three One-week Short term Courses on “Digital Resource Management in Libraries”, “Modern Technologies in Libraries” and “Electronic Information Resources in Libraries”. Two-day National Conference on “Library Security Management in Digital Era”.

     In his 18 years of professional career he has published over 15 National and 5 International papers, 2 books, and Edited 4 Conference proceedings related to Library & Information Science and also participated more than 26 National and International conferences/seminars.

      He has also professional affiliation as a member, Editorial Board to the Journals Pearl A Journal of Library and Information Science, Published by University Library Teachers Association, Hyderabad., and Parishodhana Grandhalaya Samachara Sastra Parishodhana Patrika  (Telugu), Published by Librarians Forum, Hyderabad.

      He is life member of ILA, New Delhi and ALSD, Hyderabad.
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