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Governance of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems
Editor(s) :Devi Prasad Juvvadi, P. Chandra Shekara

ISBN : 9789352301553
Name : Governance of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems
Price : Currency 995.00
Editor/s : Devi Prasad Juvvadi, P. Chandra Shekara
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 346
Year of Publication : 2017
Publisher : BS publications / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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Resource ARTICLES: 1. Governance of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems 2. Initiatives and Innovations in Good Governance of Extension Services- A Case of Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission 3. Promotion of Buffalo Husbandry through Breeders’ Welfare Association in Haryana: An Innovative Approach 4. Suitable Livestock Extension Models for Small and Marginal Farmers towards Fodder Development in Semi-arid Regions 5. Importance, Problems & Prospective of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Agriculture 6. Kudumbasree Goat Village Project - A Practical Model for Good Governance of a Microfinance Enterprise 7. ­­­Farmers Field School – An Effective and Innovative Way to Train Dryland Farmers 8. Public Private Partnerships in Agricultural Development 9. Factors Influencing the Extent of Adoption of Recommended ICM Practices by the Participant and Non Participant Farmers of Rice FFSs 10. Interactive Multimedia Compact Disc (IMCD) an Innovative Tool for Agricultural Technologies Transfer - Impact Study 11. Problems and Suggestions of Stake Holders for Effective Information and Communication Technology based Extension Services 12. Farm Mechanization Extension Project Management as New Paradigm for Sustainable Sericulture Development in Karnataka 13. Factors Determining the Use of Soil Health Card (SHC) Recommendations in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh 14. ICT Based Transfer of Technology in Rice: A Case of RKMP - “App” Solutely Knowledge Driven 15. Enhancing Competency of Extension Functionary through National Training on Improved Sorghum Cultivation 16. Economic Evaluation of IPM Technology for Cotton in Yavatmal District of Vidarbha in Maharashtra 17. Knowledge Level of Farmers on Agri based Online Services in Tikamgarh District of Madhya Pradesh 18. ICTs for Agricultural Extension in India: Policy Implications for Agricultural Development

Country Specific Article : 1. Training in the Rural Kenya: Technoserve Approach of Extension 2. Huduma Centres: A One Stop Platform for  Service Delivery in Kenya 3. Common Interest Group: An Approach to  Control Infectious Bursal Disease among Poultry Farmers in Kenya 4. Aeroponics Technique for Seed Potato Production- A Case of Kisima Private Farm in Kenya 5. Delivery of Poultry Extension Services in Kenya:  A Case of Winnie Kuku Afya Poultry Farm 6. Sustainability of Aquaculture (Fish Farming Programme) in Migori County, Kenya 7. Contracted Agricultural Extension Delivery Model in Kenya 8. Table Banking: An Innovation in Empowering Rural Women in Agriculture in Kenya 9. M-PESA: Harnessing the Potential of Mobile Money Transfer Platforms to Enhance Agricultural Value Chains in Kenya 10. Challenges in the Fisheries Sector of Liberia 11. Effects of Ebola on Agriculture Cooperatives in Liberia and the Way by Which it Was Dealt With 12. Management and Governance in Liberia 13. Tackling Challenge in Liberia Agricultural Extension Services 14. Impact of Farm Input Subsidy Program on People’s Livelihood in Malawi 15. Model Village Concept in Malawi 16. Resource Centres in Malawi 17. Plant Health Clinics as An Innovation in Agricultural Extension Service Delivery in Malawi 18. Impact of Agricultural Cooperatives in Malawi’s Economy 19. Enhancing Good Governance in Implementation of Agricultural Extension System in Malawi 20. Farmer Business School (FBS) in Mponera for Promoting Market Oriented Farm Produce

About the Editors:

Devi Prasad Juvvadi  is currently Director (Agriculture Management Resource Group) at Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad. He has over three decades of experience in agricultural research, teaching and consultancy and worked for various international projects supported by World Bank, UN, DFID in Middle East, Africa and India. Devi Prasad worked as Team Leader for World Bank supported A.P. Community Based Tank Management project and External M&E team of A.P. Well, a Netherlands supported project.  He has published widely in international journals, published bulletins, review articles contributed to English and Telugu newspapers on agriculture and written policy papers, briefs and several books on agriculture. Devi Prasad travelled widely in over 30 countries in all the continents, presented papers at various international conferences and lectured in various universities in Turkey, Israel, USA etc. His current research interests include governance, innovation, change management in agriculture, climite change etc.

P. Chandra Shekara is Director (Agricultural Extension), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management [MANAGE], Hyderabad, India. He has over 25 years of experience in Agricultural Extension Management, Agri-Entrepreneurship Development and Public-Private-Partnership and contributed for implementation of Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme of Govt. of India where, 49,000 Agricultural Professionals trained and 21,000 Agri-ventures established. Dr. Chandra Shekara organized more than 275 national, international training programs, published 66 papers including 15 books and produced 9 films. He has been Programme Director, US-India-Africa Triangular International Programme to train Agriculture Extension Professionals from Kenya, Liberia and Malawi and several other countries in Asia and Africa. He is Executive Editor of MANAGE Journal of Agricultural Extension Management and Editor of monthly e-Bulletin “Agripreneur”.

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