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Critical Care Pharmacotherapeutics
Author(s) :Thomas J. Jhonson

ISBN : 9789384323288
Name : Critical Care Pharmacotherapeutics
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : Thomas J. Jhonson
Type : Text Book
Pages : 437
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2017
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Critical Care Pharmacotherapeutics presents information on the fundamentals of critical care practice from a pharmacist’s point of view. This accessible text is an excellent introduction to critical care pharmacy. Pharmacy students, residents, and new pharmacists will learn about the medications used and approaches to pharmaceutical care for the critically ill patient. This text is also a helpful reference for students during an ICU advanced practice experience or for a pharmacy resident during an ICU rotation.


1. The Pharmacist’s Role in Critical Care 2. Acute Illness Scoring Systems 3. Tubes and Lines, Invasive Monitoring, and Hemodynamics 4. Mechanical Ventilation 5. Analgesia, Sedation, and Delirium Management 6. Acid-Base Fundamentals 7. Fluid and Electrolyte Management 8. Pharmacologic Management of Blood Pressure 9. Management of Cardiac Issues in the Critically Ill Patient 10. Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Management 11. Acute Kidney Injury, Renal Replacement Therapies, and Medication Dose Adjustment 12. Nutrition Support in Critical Illness 13. Fundamentals of Antimicrobial Therapy in the Critically Ill 14. Hematologic Diseases and Bleeding Complications of Critical Illness 15. Pharmacotherapy of Neurotrauma and Neurologic Disease 16. Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Basics

About the Author:

Thomas J. Johnson, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, FASHP has over 13 years of experience in pharmacy practice in the adult critical care setting, as well as in teaching pharmacy students and residents in the area of critical care medicine. Precepting student and resident experiences and developing didactic courses and lectures in the area of critical care have been the cornerstone of his career. He previously held the appointment of Professor of Pharmacy Practice at South Dakota State University (SDSU), but in 2011 transitioned to the position of Director of Hospital Pharmacy and now serves as an Adjunct Professor for SDSU. He continues to maintain an active critical care practice and serves as the residency program director for the critical care specialty residency, which he founded in 2008 at Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist.

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