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Fundamental Skills for Patient Care in Pharmacy Practice
Author(s) :Colleen Doherty Lauster, Sneha Baxi Srivastava

ISBN : 9789384323318
Name : Fundamental Skills for Patient Care in Pharmacy Practice
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : Colleen Doherty Lauster, Sneha Baxi Srivastava
Type : Text Book
Pages : 359
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2017
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett / BSP Boo
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:
A Comprehensive New Text for Clinical Pharmacists
Fundamental Skiffs for Patient Care in Pharmacy Practice is a pragmatic, student-oriented text ideally suited for introductory and advanced pharmacy practice courses. Accessible enough for beginning students and  comprehensive enough for professional, the text supports mastery of the skills associated with clinical care in both Inpatient and outpatients settings. Each chapter focuses on a specific set or critical concepts, including communication skills for effective patient counseling, techniques and components of patient and medication history interviews, interview documentation, and performance of medication reconciliations on medication lists. Practical examples drawn from common clinical situations contextualize chapter Information and enable students to easily transition classroom learning into the workplace. Take-home points, chapter review questions, and tips for success reinforce central skill s and ideas.
Fundamental Skiffs for Patient Core in Pharmacy Practice is one of the only texts of its kind in that it has been designed exclusively for pharmacy students and new practitioners. Students and pharmacist s alike will take away the knowledge to identify drug-related problems and formulate plans for real-world solutions.

Key Features:
  • How-to's, case studies, and real-world examples that contextualize concepts and solidify knowledge
  • Take-home points at the end of each chapter
  • A stepwise approach to performing medication reconciliation
  • Tips on navigating medical records. including information on electronic medical records
  • A comprehensive overview of interview skills. medication histories, and patient counseling
  • The basics and highlights of medication therapy management
  • Tips for counseling special patient population, including dying, pediatric, geriatric, and angry patients
  • Pharmacy perspectives on writing SOAP notes and clinical notes


1. The Patient Interview 2. The Medical Record 3. Written Communication 4. The Patient Presentation 5. Patient Counseling: Patient Factors 6. Patient Counseling: Settings Techniques 7. Patient Counseling: Patient Situations 8. Patient Counseling: Motivational Interviewing and Health Behavior Change 9. Medication Reconciliation 10. Presentations and Interprofessional Communication 11. Medication Therapy Management.

About the Authors:

Colleen Doherty Lauster, PharmD, BCPS, CDE-Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Ambulatory Care, Beaumont Hospital

     Colleen Doherty Lauster, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, has previously served at the Assistant Professor level at both Chicago State University College of Pharmacy and the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. Additionally, Dr. Lauster was an Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and, prior to this position, she served as a clinical Specialist in the area of Adult Internal Medicine for several years at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan. Dr. Lauster received both her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. After receiving her degrees, she completed a pharmacy practice residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an ambulatory care specialty residency at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan. Currently, Dr. Lauster is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in the Ambulatory Care Department at Beaumont Hospital.

Sneha Baxi Srivastava, PharmD, BCACP- Assistant Professor, Chicago State University College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois

      Sneha Baxi Srivastava, PharmD, BCACP, is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Chicago State University College of Pharmacy. Dr. Srivastava received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2004 from the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University. She also completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency and then an Ambulatory Care Specialty Residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She served on the faculty of the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in Storrs, CT from 2006-2008. Dr. Srivastava’s clinical and research interests include diabetes, hypertension, patient education and outreach, medication adherence, health psychology, and the scholarship of teaching.

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