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Insights on Global Challenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead
Editor(s) :V. Dashavantha Reddy, K. Venkateswara Rao, K. Rama Krishna

ISBN : 9789352301850
Name : Insights on Global Challenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead
Price : Currency 495.00
Editor/s : V. Dashavantha Reddy, K. Venkateswara Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 412
Year of Publication : 2017
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
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About the Book:

Basic instinct of selfishness of human beings is the root cause of all the problems in the modern society. The enormous power of observation-based hypothesis, experimentation and extrapolation of results provided the success of humans in developing the technologies beyond imagination. Power of mind determinesdiscretionary attitude and behavior of individuals in the society. Culturing of the right attitudes in the young and youth needs to be imparted by quality education. All round development of young ones into responsible citizens of the globe can be accomplished with the right type of education consisting of Literature, Sociology, Mathematics, Economics, Science and Technology as well as Spirituality as important components. To address these issues insight opinions of eminent personalities across the continents are included in the volume entitled “Insights on GlobalChallenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead”has been brought outon theoccasion of celebrating 25, 50 and 100 years of establishmentof Centre for Plant Molecular Biology (CPMB), Department of Genetics, and Osmania University, respectively.


1. Challenges and opportunities for the century ahead 2. Exploring higher education in India 3. Visualization of Indian education system for changing times 4. The Reggio Emilia approach: Education is a right, education is a Responsibility 5. Culture shock and Sudbury Valley 6. University education: Glimpsing a new direction 7. Challenges and opportunities for the century ahead in education & educational technology 8. Empowerment through education 9. Pursuing rankings in the age of massification: For most—forget about it 10. Higher education in its social context 11. A positive role that Osmania University can play in meeting the current and future energy and environmental needs of Telangana and India 12. Biotechnological options for coming years in the Indian context 13. Indian entrepreneur from science: My experience 14. Towards improving Indian science 15. Creating job opportunities for the coming years 16. Reflections for a global career: Learning throughout the journey 17. Can wealth concentration be stopped? 18. Globalisation: Challenges and opportunities 19. Out of the bubble: Heritage professionals in times of increasing polarization 20. Why is Marx the most influential thinker of all times? 21. The punitive regulation of poverty in the neoliberal age 22. Former manual scavengers ‘untouchables’: How innovative learning and skill-building transformed their lives 23. Mountaintop removal in appalachia: Environmental degradation and the pollution of the waters of the USA by the fossil fuel industries 24. Some myths about language 25. Mother tongues and other tongues in India: Speaking about languages as if they mattered 26. Blogging about work, workers, and workplaces 27. Techno-science revolution and justice delivery system 28. Coping with earthquakes in Himalaya 29. Future of Artificial Intelligence 30. Global navigation satellite system: Evolution, current scenario and future trends 31. Chandrayaan-1 - India’s first lunar mission 32. Science & Technology of Remote Sensing - A future perspective 33. Renewable energy technologies for future energy options 34. Materials chemistry 35. Research trends in smart materials and systems 36. Materials which revolutionize and engineer our future 37. Green buildings 38. India’s water future 39. How automation can address India’s water and food security challenges 40. Neuroendocrinology: A short historical review and where we stand today 41. The impact of genomics and genetic diversity in Indian populations on public health 42. Precision/personalized medicine 43. Future of Biology: Challenges and opportunities 44. A stem cell perspective on cell fate specification and personalized medicine 45. Nutrition research in the Osmania University area 46. Prospects of nutrigenomics for public health nutrition in India: Opportunities & challenges 47. Nutrition and epigenome 48. Ultimate goal of human genome analysis and disease management 49. Research accomplishments of Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases 50. Fifty years of plant genetics research at the Osmania University 51. Challenges and opportunities in Fungal world 52. Microbiology: Challenges and future prospects 53. Agricultural research with global vision and local action 54. Meeting food and nutritional security: Challenges for the 21st century 55. Induced mutations and food security - prospective progress 56. Soil health to human and animal health through breeding biofortified cultivars and balanced nutrient management for nutrition revolution in India 57. Future nutritional security 58. Nutraceuticals in health care 59. Developments in food preservation 60. Ethnopharmacology and Indian medicine 61. Biodiversity and climate change: Tree the savior of future 62. Genetics, genomics and genome editing: Applications in crop breeding 63. Biotechnological approaches for crop improvement 64. Genome editing and crop improvement 65. Legume genomics: A perspective 66. Current status of genomics and genomic resources in select group of oilseed crops 67. Future biological research: A genomics perspective 68. The changing face of plant biology: Future perspectives 69. Indian seed industry – Opportunities and challenges 70. Public-private partnership in agricultural biotechnology 71. Opportunities and challenges for contribution of aquaculture to food and nutritional security 72. Chiral pharmacology and natural product chemistry 73. Synthetic chemistry for coming years 74. Message 75. Cloud-Guru 76. Fostering the one humanity 77. The need for true Islamic spirituality in the modern age 78. Swami Vivekananda’s influence on spirituality today 79. Universal brotherhood 80. Harmony and peace 81. A journey of ‘I’ to the ultimate.

About the Editors:

Dashavantha Reddy Vudem is working as Professor at the Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Osmania University, and is having more than 34 years of teaching & research experience. His research areas include molecular biology of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. He is elected fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India, Telangana Academy of Sciences and The Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. Dr. Reddy has been awarded with the Meritorious Teacher Award for 2009 by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. He was the recipient of Visiting Scientist Award of the Rockefeller Foundation, New York (USA).

Venkateswara Rao Khareedu is working as Professor at the Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Osmania University. He is having more than 28 years of teaching and research experience.  His research areas include functional genomics and genetic engineering of crop plants for abiotic and biotic stress tolerance. He is elected fellow of the Indian National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, India, Telangana Academy of Sciences and the Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. He was awarded with Visiting Scientist and Biotechnology Career fellowships of the Rockefeller Foundation, New York (USA).

Rama Krishna Kancha is an UGC - Assistant Professor at the CPMB, Osmania Univeristy. Dr. Kancha studied M.Sc. (Biotechnology) at the University of Calicut, India and obtained Ph.D. (Cancer Biology) from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Dr. Kancha performed post-doctoral work at the University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany and BioMedX Innovation Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
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