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National Conference of Agricultural Librarians and User Community (NCALUC - 2017) on Libraries Beyond Borders : Navigating Towards Global Dissemination
Editor(s) :M. K. Stanley, Prem Singh, K. Veeranjaneyulu, M. S. Pathania

ISBN : 9789352301898
Name : National Conference of Agricultural Librarians and User Community (NCALUC - 2017) on Libraries Beyond Borders : Navigating Towards Global Dissemination
Price : Currency 1195.00
Editor/s : M. K. Stanley, Prem Singh
Type : Text Book
Pages : 584
Year of Publication : 2017
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
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PART – I: CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES IN LIBRARY & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1. Mobile Technologies: Application and Opportunity in Indian Scenario 2. Barcode Technology and its Implementation in Library and Information Centers: An Overview 3. Library Automation and Open Source Softwares for Libraries 4. Discovery Search Service using Google: Step by Step 5. Social Media in Libraries 6. ICT in Library Services 7. How Mendeley helps to your Research Work? 8. Application of RFID Technology in Libraries Methodologies, Challenges and Recommendations 9. Library @ Smartphones 10. Radio Frequency Identification (RDID): An Innovation in Library Security Systems PART – II: AGRICULTURAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 11. Building Digital Library in Agricultural Universities with Special Reference to Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Central Library: An Introduction 12. Role of Agricultural Libraries in the Development of Chhattisgarh Agriculture in Digital Era 13. Agricultural Information Gateway of Indian Council of Agricultural Research: Contribution of Libraries of NARES 14. Library Portal of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar A Gateway of Information 15. Open Access Activities in Agricultural Research in India 16. The Indian Agricultural Research Libraries at Crossroads 17. Reflection to Engineering and Agricultural Universities of Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh and Delhi: 2011-2012 18. Use of Agricultural Databases in Agriculture 19. National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2016 and 2017: A Study on the Status of Agricultural Universities PART – III: ELECTRONIC, DIGITAL AND VIRTUAL LIBRARIES 20. Virtual Librarianship: Group Cohesion and Task Performance 21. Web based Services and Best Practices of Chandigarh University 22. Impact of Web Technologies & Digitization on Libraries A Study of Selective Indian Universities 23. Role of Library Professionals in the Age of Web Technology: A Case Study 24. The Changing Roles of ICAR Libraries and the Role of Librarian in the Digital Age 25. Institutional Repository for Scholarly Communication: State of the Art for Modern Libraries 26. Role and Challenges of Digital Libraries 27. Importance of Library Website 28. Skills and Competency Management in Libraries in Digital Era 29. Digital Rights Management and Copyright Issues in the Age of Digital Open Access PART – IV: FUTURE LIBRARIES 30. Future of Libraries: Role of IFLA and UN2030 Agenda for Library Development 31. Future of the Libraries In 2030 32. Libraries Beyond Borders: Navigating Towards Global Dissemination: Digital Libraries and their Future 33. Building Libraries in a “Cloud” 34. Social Networking in Libraries 35. Reorientation of Library Services in Electronic Era 36. Knowledge Management in Academic Libraries: A Semantic Approach 37. Well Being & Happiness of Library Professionals 38. Using Space and Environment through Establishment of Out Door Reading Facility PART – V: INFORMATION LITERACY AND USER STUDIES 39. Use of Internet by Students of College of Horticulture and Agriculture College Jagdalpur 40. Study on use of CERA and CAB Abstracts by the Students of Sri Venkateswara Agricultural College, Tirupati, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh 41. Use of Web Based Services in National Institute of Technology (NIT) and University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET) Kurukshetra: A Comparative Study 42. Information Literacy and Internet Tools and Techniques to Access Information in Digital Environment 43. Usage of E-Resources in Agricultural Academic Libraries 44. Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of the Apple Farmers of Himachal Pradesh, India: A Case Study 45. Print Versus Resources: A Study of Users’ Perception, Preference and use in Dr Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan 46. Usage of Internet Based E-Resources at UAs Bengaluru, Library: A Case Study 47. Awareness of E-resources “CERA and Krishikosh” and its use at ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 48. Awareness and Use of E-Resources among PG Students, Research Scholars and Faculty in Agricultural University Libraries of Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh 49. Intellectual Property Rights & Copyrights: An Overview PART – VI: BIBLIOMETRICS, SCIENTOMETRICS, INFORMETRICS, WEBOMETRICS, CYBERMETRICS AND ALTMETRICS  50. Altmetrics: New Tools to Measure Research Impact in the Digitally Networked Environment 51. Mapping of Agricultural and Biological Science Research in India During 2005-2014 52. Bibliometric Study of theses in Horticulture 53. Authorship Pattern of Information Technology Literature in LISA 54. Scientometric Analysis of Research Publications of Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Guntur: A Study based on Indian Citation Index (ICI) 2004 -2016 55. Webometric Analysis of Agricultural Universities in South India 56. Status of Management Information System in Central Library, Jiwaji University: A SWOT Analysis
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