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Medicinal Chemistry
Author(s) :Rama Rao Nadendla

ISBN : 9789352301959
Name : Medicinal Chemistry
Price : Currency 595.00
Edition : Second Revised Edition
Author/s : Rama Rao Nadendla
Type : Text Book
Pages : 410
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the book:

This book deals with discovery and development of drugs for treating variety of diseases. The present edition of Medicinal Chemistry treats many aspects of drugs such as Structure-Activity Relationships, Mechanism of action, synthetic concepts and clinical uses. Synthetic procedures are described in mechanistic approach in simple language. It provides comprehensive chemistry of synthetic drugs.

In this book each chapter commences with an introduction followed by classification of drugs, Chemical names, structures and / or synthetic procedures, properties and uses of drugs.


1. Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 2. General Principles of Drug Action 3. Physicochemical Properties of Organic Medicinal Agents 4. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships 5. Drug Design 6. Combinatorial Chemistry 7. Sulfonamides 8. Penicillins 9. Cephalosporins 10. Aminoglycosides 11. Tetracyclines 12. Macrolides 13. Polypeptide and Miscellaneous Group of Antibiotics 14. Urinary Antiseptics 15. Anti-tubercular Drugs 16. Antileprotic Drugs 17. Antimalarials 18. Antiprotozoals 19. Anthelmentics 20. Antifungal Agents 21. Antiviral Agents 22. Anticancer Drugs 23. Gastrointestinal Agents 24. Cardiovascular Agents 25. Coagulants and Anticoagulants 26. Diagnostic Agents 27. Chemistry of Vitamins 28. Steroids and Steriodal Drugs

About the Author:

Rama Rao Nadendla is Principal at Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalapathi Nagar, Lam, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh). He has 23 years experience in teaching and research. He secured Gold Medal in B.Pharmacy Examination from Gulbarga University, Gulbarga. He obtained M.Pharm with distinction from BITS, Pilani and Ph. D from JNTU, Hyderabad. He is on the Editorial Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Pharmaceutical Excipients and Chief Editor of Journal of Pharmaceutical Technolgy and Research. He is also a recipient of Professor M.L.Kohrana Memorial Best research Paper Award from IJPSc in 2001. He has already authored three books.

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