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Agriculture Heritage
Author(s) :V. Radha Krishna Murthy, M. Sree Rekha

ISBN : 9789386819451
Name : Agriculture Heritage
Price : Currency 100.00
Author/s : V. Radha Krishna Murthy, M. Sree Rekha
Type : Text Book
Pages : 90
Year of Publication : 2018
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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1. The Genesis of Agriculture 2. Farmers in Ancient Society 3. Soil and Water Management 4. Plant Protection and ITKs 5. Medicinal Plants and Seed Health 6. Civilization- Journey in Agriculture

About the Authors:

V. Radha Krishna Murthy, Ph.D, PGDES is Professor & Head, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Bapatla. He has to his credit 22 books, 7 book chapters, over 110 peer reviewed scientific articles, papers presented in seminars, symposia and popular articles. He travelled all continents on operational agrometeorological services. He coined the term "weather heath" and working on "weather health indices". He is International Agrometeorologist with World Bank, Washington, USA and Expert Team member of World Meteorological Organization Geneva, Switzerland for 15 years.

M. Sree Rekha, Ph.D is Associate Professor in the Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Bapatla. She co-authored a book on agrometeorology and has over 30 peer reviewed scientific articles, papers presented in seminars, symposia, popular articles etc. She guided 7 students for their Masters thesis . She is also actively working at present on weather health indices and weather analysis for 7 locations in Andhra Pradesh, a pioneering work on operational agrometeorology in Andhra Pradesh.
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