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Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems
Author(s) :Mariesa L. Crow

ISBN : 9780815383659
Name : Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems
Price : Currency 1295.00
Edition : Third Edition
Author/s : Mariesa L. Crow
Type : Text Book
Pages : 346
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : CRC Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the book:

Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems introduces computational methods that form the basis of many analytical studies in power systems. The book provides the background for a number of widely used algorithms that underlie several commercial software packages, linking concepts to power system applications. By understanding the theory behind many of the algorithms, the reader can make better use of the software and make more informed decisions (e.g., choice of integration method and step size in simulation packages).

This Third Edition contains new material on preconditioners for linear iterative methods, Broyden’s method, and Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov methods. It includes additional problems and examples, as well as updated examples on sparse lower-upper (LU) factorization. It also adds coverage of the eigensystem realization algorithm and the double-shift method for computing complex eigenvalues.


1. Introduction 2. The Solution of Linear Systems 3. Systems of Nonlinear Equations 4. Sparse Matrix Solution Techniques 5. Numerical Integration 6. Optimization 7. Eigenvalue Problems
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