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Principles and Practices of Contamination Control and Cleanrooms
Author(s) :C. K. Moorthy

ISBN : 9788188449040
Name : Principles and Practices of Contamination Control and Cleanrooms
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : C. K. Moorthy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 253
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

Principles and Practices of Contamination Control and Cleanrooms: A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Safety in Drug Delivery. 

Are you a pharmaceutical or biomedical professional seeking to enhance your understanding of contamination control and cleanrooms? Look no further. This enlightening book dives deep into the crucial principles and practices surrounding biosafety and offers invaluable insights for professionals at all stages of their careers. 

With a clear and organized structure, this book caters to readers from various educational levels, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies. It is also a valuable resource for expert researchers looking to generate innovative ideas for more effective drug delivery systems.  

Addressing a long-standing industry need, this book provides a cohesive and up-to-date overview of contamination control, cleanrooms, and biosafety. It guides readers on how to ensure their facilities, practices, and procedures align with current norms, setting the stage for success in pharmaceutical and biomedical disciplines. 

A standout feature of this book is its focus on environmental expectations and testing, exploring the standards set by ISO 14644 for Cleanrooms and Qualification, ISO 14698 Final Draft International Standards for Biological Monitoring and Control, the MCA Orange Guide released in December 2002, the USFDA Draft Guidelines for Sterile Drug Products by Aseptic Processing from September 27, 2002, and the WHO Guidelines for Sterile Pharmaceutical Preparations. By unraveling the reasoning, procedures, and implications behind these standards, this book demystifies common misconceptions in the industry and offers a comprehensive approach to cleanroom systems and practices. 

From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, this book takes readers on a journey through the intricacies of contamination control and cleanrooms. Real-life problems are analyzed and solved throughout the book, bringing theory and practice together in a meaningful way.


1. Basics of contamination control 

2. Environment specification 

3. Elements of cleanroom design engineering 

4. Air filters 

5. Laminar airflow 

6. Qualification 

7. Human interface in controlled environments 

8. Cleaning cleanrooms 

9. Sterilisation 

10. Good disinfection practice.

About the Author:

C. K. Moorthy  is a graduate in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, with postgraduate qualifications in Marketing Studies from The Institute of Marketing London.

He is actively involved as Technical Expert assisting several upcoming labs and facilities around the country and acts as consultant to major Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies.

His 30 years of experience have been in applications engineering in the fields of medicare (patient care and diagnostics) and microcontamination control (cleanrooms and laminar airflow technologies). He conducts inplant training as well as public workshops on Microcontamination Control, Biosafety and Good Aseptic Practices, which has drawn participants from industrial sectors. He facilitates at special workshops on the subject convened from time to time by DRDO, BARC and SSPL.

His intimate knowledge of the subject, and his ability to present complex concepts and insights, to both laymen as well as professionals and management, in a manner that is easy to understand and apply has won him acclaim all round.

He conducts regular inplant training as well as public workshop on Microcontamination Control, Biosafety and Good Aseptic Practices, which has attracted participants from different industrial sectors. He acts as facilators at special workshops conducted by Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and many advanced research labs.

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