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Fundamentals of Business Economics
Author(s) :Dhires Bhattacharya, Pranab Chakrabarti

ISBN : 817800027X
Name : Fundamentals of Business Economics
Price : Currency 150.00
Author/s : Dhires Bhattacharya, Pranab Chakrabarti
Type : Text Book
Pages : 295
Year of Publication : 2002
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Here is a book which will be eminently relevant to the degree courses in Commerce, Accountancy and Business Management. All the important problems in Business economics have been comprehensively discussed. An outstanding feature of this book is that it stresses on the use of graphs and symbolic notations in describing business behaviour. The chapters follow each other in a logical sequence which will help the student to learn the essentials of economics analysis on his own and by his own efforts. For students specialising in Managerial Economics, the book provide ground work for a wider understanding of the basic principles involved.


1. Nature and Functions of the Economic System 2. Central Problems of an Economic System 3. Laws of Demand and Supply 4. Theory of Consumer Demand 5. Theory of Production, Cost and Supply 6. Determination of Price and Output in Different Types of Markets 7. Pricing of Factors of Production 8. Partial and General Equilibrium 9. Income Distribution and the Standard of Living 10. Government and the Economic System 11. The National Product and National Income 12. Determination of National Income 13. Fluctuations in National Income 14. Money and the Economic System 15. The Banking System 16. International Trade and Foreign Exchange

About the Author

Dhires Bhattacharyya, former Professor of Economics, Calcutta University has taught Economics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Presidency College Calcutta and also various other prestigious educational institutions. He is also the author of a number of books on Indian economic problems and economic history, and is a frequent contributor to economic periodicals and financial Journals.

Pranab Chakrabarti has been working as Senior Lecturer in Economics, Kidderpore College, Calcutta. His recent Book on “Problems of Co-operative Development in India with special reference to West Bangal” has been well received both by the press and the public.
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